Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Why Black History Month Has Become Irrelevant

Hey world,
Tomorrow's calender marks the first of February, making it the first day of Black History Month, a title that I believe has become irrelevant in this day and age. Let me tell you why I think this way.

There used to be a time, not so long ago, when black people were not considered to be a relevant part of this country. On paper and in person they were left out of basic civil rights and freedoms. This was seen by the majority of the country to be "the norm". Many Americans did not see any problem with that. It wasn't until certain black AND white people came together and stood up for themselves through series of protests, preachings, and other religious and governmental acts. Then things began to change, black people started getting representation and civil rights were widely acknowledged for black people. This is the reason we are supposed to celebrate Black History Month. It was supposed to be a month of remembrance of the struggles people black AND white went through to ensure that we as black people have rights and freedoms. Also it was designed as a month to remind us to progress forward in memory of those who lived and gave their lives to make it possible to live as we do today. Sadly, that is not what it has become.

I love being black, but I see issues with black people. We often forget what people went through to get us to where we are.  We cry and scream about misrepresentation and racism when, if you think about it, we are being represented the way we portray ourselves. Why is it that every black movie a man is beating his wife, or he's an illegitimate father, or a gangster, or in prison? Is that misrepresentation? No, its a sad fact, you can do studies and try to prove it wrong all you want to, but the sad truth is, the media portrays an accurate picture of most black people today. Black people I submit to you there is nothing wrong with having an education, being a good father to your kids, and holding a steady job. In fact if you are not doing those things than something IS wrong. It's funny to me how those who have an education (and act like it) and are stable and don't cheat or beat on their women are considered "white washed" or abnormal. Don't we realize that that person is exactly what our forefathers tried to establish? They didn't want to be the hoodest gangster in the streets. They wanted to be the best mothers and fathers, the best citizens they could be for this country. BHM was supposed to a remembrance of where we were and a talisman for where we are going as a people. However, we seemed to be digressing as a people. Slaves had more dignity than some of these people you see on television and in the news. We have made BHM irrelevant because we have lost sight of the meaning and the hard work, blood, sweat, and tears that it took to make it possible. We cant even name the people posted in the pictures above, because we don't care. I can say it's time to change that, but if change doesn't happen in the individual, it wont happen at all. You can change clothes, but dirty is dirty.

My challenge to you world is simple. No matter what your ethnic background, people died and fought for your rights and freedoms. It may not be a well known fact, but its a guarantee that people struggled for you to be able to live the way you do today. Whether you are an American, or from another country, it makes no difference. Do not let the sacrifice of others become irrelevant to you and those around you.

                                                                                                   Much Love World,

Friday, January 27, 2012

Victorology 101 : Attraction, Attention, Affection

Hello Again World,

OK as I promised, here is a deeper look into me. Depending on how this goes I'm going continue posting these types of blogs to let you see into my soul (without the vinegar strokes) or at least into my mind. This blog will be a "getting to know you" blog (c'mon everybody sing the song)

Now that I've subjected you to that lets get down to business.
So.. I'm often asked what draws me to a certain girl or how do I go from like to love with someone. The question is usually phrased " Vic, what did you see in her?" After myriads of "around the bush" answers I realized I never really thought about it before..until NOW...Class is in session, lesson one..

It has been said, " The way into a man's heart is through his stomach" For me personally,  If all you do is get into my stomach, your getting digested with everything else in there, and like the food I eat I will use which parts I can and then get rid of the rest. "Wow, Vic that sounds harsh!!" I know, I know, and it isn't meant to be done on purpose, that is just how the stomach works. I don't pick and choose which foods I can reserve and which nutrients I throw out. (Are you catching the metaphor) I don't need you to cook for me. I can do that by myself. In fact I would love to cook for you. You don't have to slave around me and serve me like I'm somebody special...neh!
OK then Vic, how do I get to your heart? With your smile Sweety!!! The Beibs said it perfectly, When you smile, I smile. If she has me smiling and laughing all the time. She's a shoe in for Mrs. Marshall. Now, Obviously there are other factors that may seem shallow to you if I said them, but c'mon for real you have to be able to see yourself in a picture with that person and not be ashamed. But honestly a good smile and great laugh trumps a lot of the shallow idiosyncrasies I might have. If you want me to be attracted to you...Get me smiling with your smile....lesson two

Once you have me smiling, you now have my attention because I want to see you smile more! (Are you getting how this works) It gets to the point where I do things on purpose now to make you smile, I put my self out there with some of the dumbest things ever just because I know that when I do, you light up. Be it a stupid joke or a dumb song or just everyday conversation. I now want to make you smile because you've made me smile. You now have my attention.....lesson three

This is honestly my favorite part. Because now, not only am I attracted to you, but you also you have my attention. this is where I start to think about you ALL the time, I'm tryna catch a glimpse of you around town. I start using my ninja skills to learn the hidden secrets about you that you wont tell me. I'm Paying so much attention to you that I'm falling for you. At first, I was probably "feeling" you, but a "touch" can be brushed off easily. Now...Right Now...THIS RIGHT HERE....is different. I've fallen for that smile and the person behind it. As some of my friends would say "It's a wrap" "It's a done dada" I'm caught. Oh, and please don't ever let me see you not smiling (a.k.a. sad or crying), because that tears me up and fuels me with a burning desire to get that smile back on your face. It's crazy. It's how I'm programmed and there isn't anything I can do about it. Some of you have seen this in action and you know I'm speaking truth. I can't help it. It could be the most destructive thing ever but, hey, she followed the steps and BAM! 'caught!

I usually try and proof read these before I post them, well sometimes, but I know I've given a lot of information that could be used against me by those who seek evil, so I will not do that. I'll just up my ninja skills to combat those evil doers..ok that was dumb, so I'm gonna end this with none other than the BEIBS!!

Love Ya World and keep smiling!

The Many Shapes of the Blogosphere

Hey World,
As you all know I've been blogging for a couple months now, the say adventure has been grandiose would be a severe understatement. It's been incredible! Upon my travels as a blogger, Ive noticed a few things about bloggers. There are many different types of bloggers, some write about life as it happens, others give helpful tips and information, some are funny, some lack humor all together, and some post about secret intimate details of their lives. Realizing all of this, I came to the conclusion that I don't know what type of blogger I am yet. Granted I've done all of the before mentioned things when writing my blogs. You all have seen my laughs. In the last post you saw my cry, you've seen difficult decisions, and thoughtful ways to combat certain life challenges as well. As you can see...I'm Perplexed!!!!!
I like the idea of being intimate and getting to show you guys a bit more about me. I realize I skim the surface a lot so I will try to get deeper. You know what?? An idea just popped into my head. so here's what I'm gonna do. I'm going to say goodbye for now so I can start this other blog, You will Love it I'm sure...well not really sure but oh well.

stay tuned

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Fallen Friends at the Brown Table

Hey, World!!  Ok I know it's been a while, in fact its been forever, and I want to apologize for the absence. One reason is because I've been super busy with school and work and other things (no in reality its just school and work), but I'm back now. The other reason is this, I promised to write this particular blog post and I've been reluctant to do so because of its sentimental value, but as promised here it is.

Most of you may not know, that I am the oldest of six siblings, three boys and three girls. Well, I'm just going to cut right to the story. In 2007, my freshmen year of college, my youngest brother Kevin died from a severe asthma attack. He was 13 years old. To say it was hard on my family is an understatement, and its effects still remain today. But, there is a lot of good that has been brought into my life from having that experience. I've been able to help others going through the same situation and its a good feeling. Also, I started going to school for respiratory therapy. Honestly it wasn't all because of that situation, but to say it didn't play a part in my decision would be a farce.
My first semester sophomore year, I started writing my songs for the Brown Table album "Getting Serious", and I wrote this song. At the time I had no idea why I wrote it. It wasn't about a girl or anything I was going through. I actually related it to God and felling like you've lost your way. It just had no definitive meaning to it ,for me at least. I had actually wanted to write a song for Kevin, and I did. It was called angels. I was a guitar song that I had written and it just didn't feel right to me. See a mentor and friend of mine( see him at fatdreek.blogspot.com, lost a lifetime friend of his, and wrote a song about it. To this day I think it was one of the better songs he ever did. I never met his friend but every time I see his name, or hear that song I wanna shout out R.I.P. Velo, that's just how the song makes me feel. I wanted to do something similar for my brother, but I dint correlate this song with it until now. It began as a challenge from my friend Titus who encouraged me to write more complex music. Before this song, my lyrics were good, but they lacked he depth we often used in everyday conversation. If you were to sit and have a real conversation with us you would have thought we were crazy. (some of you did) It was because we used metaphors and similes, like nouns and verbs. It was just the way we spoke. so at any given time our conversation would take on a whole new meaning that only we could grasp. (I miss those days). Well now, I look back at this song and I look at the time period that I wrote it in and it seems a perfect dedication song to my fallen comrade Kevin

I don't like to dwell on the fact that he died, because it was a dark time for everyone involved. I don't even like to dwell on the good memories because it makes me miss him. So I do what I know how to do and that's sing my problems away. Now I have the appropriate song to do it with. Now when you hear it or watch this video, remember your loved ones and find your outlet to honor them properly.

Love ya world

ps. here are some brown table pictures from our photoshoot with Leigh Rounsaville
 (Left to right) Ben Sebrell, Darryl Gittens, Me, and Titus Golden


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Helpful Cliche


 STRESS A little word that plagues our lives on a regular basis. Some stress can be good, like exercise. But, we are not gonna talk about that kind of stress today. I'm talking about real stress, mental and emotional stress. The bad stress. It creeps up to the front doors of our lives, and instead of knocking like polite things do, It kicks down the front door and rushes in like a police drug task force ready to seize that illegal stash you keep hidden in your closet in the hole under your dirty clothes basket next to the shoes in the brown box behind the old sweater. (WHAT?????) Stress can be detrimental to your health and cause you serious problems, not to mention ruin your attitude and kill social standings and relationships. There are two ways this kind of stress can present itself and those are with unknown circumstances, or known circumstances. The way we handle them determines how we get through them, and how much better our outcome will be. I currently have two prevalent "stressful situations" in my life. Both of these present, either a known or unknown circumstance. Currently, I have adopted one of the most cliche sayings(even tough I hate sounding cliche) as my battle cry throughout these stressful times. Lets see if you can figure it out.


Yesterday was the first day of the hardest academic crunch period I have yet to face. I began my clinical labs (6 hours of classes), along with work, and in preparation for my clinicals and state boards. It's all going to be over soon. Four more months of school and I'm sitting for state exams and becoming a licensed respiratory therapist. This feat will set my whole life in motion, and give me a check mark on my list (see 13 b3fore 13). If i was in any other mindset, this would be a very hectic and stressful time for me. However, for some strange reason, I'm at peace with it all. The way I see it, I have a huge situation in front of me and my only choice is to go forward. I cant flip out over the possibility of failing, because failure is just a set back (that will not happen) that will give me more time to prepare. It's not a cockiness or an arrogant type of attitude. It's an acceptance of a problem, a visualization of a goal, and a realization of my mission. Yes, there will be obstacles along the way, there always are, but as crazy and as cliche as it sounds, I am too blessed to be stressed.


Sunday my transmission completely went bizerk in my car(that I just bought). Now, I could either be really pissed and throw a fit, freak and cry, or I can just be calm and work towards fixing the problem. I chose the latter. Just like with school, I realized that things happen. Some things we bring upon ourselves, and some things we can't control. I can't control my transmission in my car, just like I can't control the rain. (hmmm I might write a song called I can't control the rain, I like that..but anyway) All we cant do is accept and accomplish the things we need to in life, remembering that there are people who can't go to school and get an education. There are people who don't have cars. There is no point in stressing over the known or the unknown. Because no matter what your circumstance and/or trial YOU ARE TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!

                                                                                                       Keep on truckin World,

Friday, January 13, 2012

The Ultimate Run Mix, by DJ Vic

Hey World
Do you ever have those days when you physically feel sub-par? You know you've been slacking on the exercise, choosing to make a meal for yourself instead of do pushups/situps, or go to the gym. We all have em, those regret nights where you lay your head on the pillow mad at yourself for not working out that day. Knowing that the night before you were making promises to work out, you had it all planned, you visualized it in your mind, and vicariously lived through your future self. Well, that's been me for too long. Today I decided to break the cycle of laziness and go for a run. So, I went running right after work this morning,which is kind of hard to do considering i work all night long. Nevertheless I went. It was a good run. I wasn't too tired and finished the whole 3.3 miles without stopping. It was awesome!! However, I would have never made it without my perfect run mix. Now a lot of people use music to "pump them up" while they run. I use music to keep my feet moving. You see, one thing i do A LOT is dance, and another thing I do A WHOLE LOT is sing. If you watch me run I'm doing little dances here and there and spitting out lyrics in between labored breaths. Its just how I'z gets down. I through this run mix together kind of haphazardly and BAM its epic!! I'll share it with you.

#1 First because of the West Coast blood in me I had to start out with a little snoop-a-loop
The reason this song is first, is because if it wasn't I would be C-walking and hopping in the park and it would throw off my vibe. This intro is perfect for me starting out. I get a quick stretch in and turn it on..I hear foshizzle dizzle n im like aaaaaaawwwwww SNAP!! From then its on!

#2 The song is called "gimme the loot" its a biggie smalls and lil c song. at this point in the run I'm wondering why I came out there in the first place. I've lost my mind I should have done pushups or situps or jumping jacks or something else but this ridiculous run. I need a song to remind me that I'm a Bad Bad Man lol (ps. not safe for work)

#3 This is where I hit my stride. Its the perfect run song because the beat hits every step as you run and the lyrics have me singing at the top of my lungs as I'm running. Its greatness in my ears.
As soon as this song starts playing, its an instant swagger step to the left, than right, then back, then I pick the run back up. Like Gucci Gucci, Louie Louie, Fendi Fendi, Prada.  Most people are not a fan of her music, but I say stop trippin, cuz when I'm running she's my best friend.

#4 This song is kind of a the point where i need something to switch me up. I'm getting to dependent on the music to keep me going I need a lyrical boost to pump up my inner psyche. J-Cole does that for me can't explain why.

#5 the next song I believe should be in every run mix, because its an epic track. It gets me going and puts the "pep" back in my step. Without further ado My dude Mr Andre 3000

#6 I honestly have no reason why this next one is my list, other than the fact that at this point in the run I need to zone out. I need to just keep my head in the game. I gotta tell myself, Vic just keep going make that booty work son
This is where I get that "thizz face" and I start dancing again. I swear the people on the trail with me must thing I'm crazy, but I don't care.

#7 Next comes the the part where I gotta dig deep. This is where I'm almost at the two mile mark and I feel like crap. That's why I need my second wind. I gotta feel like a gangster..I gotta hustle hard

#8 This one is there because I can see the end. I smell victory, I'm tired and I'm kinda mad at myself for putting myself through all this drama so I need to laugh. What better way to laugh then listening to Gucci Mane!! If you can't laugh listening to this dude you got problems.

#9 as soon as the beat ends I finish my run. No joke it was perfect and what better way to finish a run than with something to keep you motivated. This is the only song I listen to when I'm not running (besides 1 and 4 and 5) because I love this song and love the message it portrays 
It cools me off and allows me to sing my heart out while I'm stripping in the parking lot and changing into my "driving clothes". I cant sit in my car with my sweaty clothes on, my leather is too soft.

A lot of this music may not agree with your spirit. Running doesn't agree with my spirit either so it makes it perfect. it does its job. The mix helps me get through all the stages of my run successfully, and like the last song says it helps me realize "how sexy we are, we just dont know it"

                                                                                                                    Love, Sweat, and Tears,

Monday, January 9, 2012

13 Before 13

Hey World,
Ok, so a few of my elder friends have been doing this "25 before 25", where they set 25 goals to accomplish before they reach 25. I think it's great because of the number thing and most of them are 24 already so that gives them an ample timeline to achieve those goals..Hence my dilemma, being 23, younger and more full of life I want to give myself a challenge without the length of the "25" timeline. So, while joking around with the guys I came across this revolutionary Idea... "13 Before 13"...It is a list comprising nothing but epic events that i will strive to achieve before 2013..My challenge to all of you who will not be 25 this year is to make your own list and challenge others to do the same. Lets Unleash havoc on 2012 in epic fashion...

#1. Learn a fret-less stringed instrument

#2. Pass my NBRC state board exams (3 exams) the first time!

#3. Finish writing my book

#4. Get my motorcycle license

#5. Move out of my parents house for good this time

#6. Go to 3 professionals sports games (3 out of 5 of the professional sports)

#7. Buy lunch and a complete outfit for a random homeless person

#8. Save $10,000

#9. Start a masters program

#10. Profess love to a random stranger through song

#11. Kiss a random stranger full on the lips ( no words necessary)

#12. Throw an Epic pajama party with the boys

#13. Save a life

Some of these might seem outrageous but they WILL get done..its 2012, NO PLAN B

Its the year of the dragon, time to get it done, unleash the dragon!! lol...Im going to have to post this video now because its stuck in my head.

haha love ya world,

Update for Epicness

hey world...its me again, vics no caps alter ego..im here at work n felt inspired to just fill you guys in on a couple things to come...first im going to post a dedication blog based on a video that i recently posted on youtube..second a kind of epic alteration to the twenty five before twenty five phenomenon thats been circulating amoungst my older friends...third a look into my mind for an hour. think of it like my soundtrack for an hours period of time...i might actually continue that one more often we will see how it goes......but yeah im exited to see whats going to happen in the next few months and i will definately be sharing all, well most of it, with you all...thanks for reading my scantily clad post..thanks for being faithful to my world and making it a part of yours                                   much love, vic

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Pet Peeves and Astonishing Realizations

Hey World Waddup?!?!
First of all, Its a beautiful day in SoCal right now. All of you who are not here need to get here soon. San Diego is beautiful this time of year, Hence the banner on my blog. Once I decided I wasn't leaving, I had to post a pic of the beautiful city line downtown. I've always loved this city..but enough about that. Let me tell you WHAT JUST HAPPENED.
     So you know there are some things that you do because its just how you were raised. Some foods you eat, clothes you wear, or some pet peeves you may have. My biggest pet peeve is.."If it doesn't hurt, don't say ow" It might sound petty but I live in a house where there are always smaller children. It amazes me how many times kids say their hurt just for attention. I can't stand it. Well, I just figured out why I'm that way. So here is what happened. I'm in the kitchen tweeting with my peeps and my mom is the the other room talking about something. She may have even been talking to me I'm not sure. As usual there are little kids in the house running around and playing on these big exercise ball thingys. All of the sudden, to no ones surprise, a child starts screaming. I walk in the other room only to hear my mom say " See that's what happens when you run. You'll be alright. Your in the wrong house for sympathy. Stop crying cuz you know your just going to get up, run, again, and get hurt again, and it's gonna be painful again." Tell me why I died laughing in the kitchen (I walked back in to try to conceal my laughter). It suddenly hit me. I am a byproduct of my own pet peeve, which originated from my mother. It got me thinking how many other things do I do just because my parents do them. How many other ideals and customs are generated from my growth environment? It turned me from mid-laugh to contemplative stare in an instant. Until I finally realized that it really didn't matter, and now if I do something weird I can blame it on my parents..NICE!

                                                                                                           /That's all for today world, Love ya,

Monday, January 2, 2012

Dear Victor: A letter to myself, from myself.

Hello World!!
First I want to say happy new year and thanks for reading my blog these past couple months. It's been so much fun and I will continue to post throughout 2012. I couldn't leave you guys alone. This post is a little different. I wanted to start a self tradition this year and write myself a letter about what is going on in my life at the moment, and things i have struggled with all year. The purpose is so that next year when i look back at this and read it I will have more positive to focus on and a timeline to see all that God has done in my life. Kind of like a here's where you came from type deal. Like I said this letter is a letter to myself so it's very personal but for those of who who know me it will make sense of certain things going on right now, and for those of you who don't know me that well it will give you some insight into my mind and truly let you into my world.

Dear Victor,
It’s the first week of the New Year. I just wanted to take some time and talk to you about where you’ve been, and where you are going. I do this because I care about you and your future, not for any other reason. I hope you take it all to heart and really consider what I have to say.
This past year has been challenging for you. It’s the busiest you have ever been. It has caused you lots of sleep, you’ve lost a few friendships, and it’s drained you physically, tapped you mentally, and stifled you spiritually. I know it’s been a busy year, but you also know that it could have been worse. It could have also been better, but you sat around being “content” with being unhappy. You’ve planned the whole year to finish school and get out of San Diego, but why? Why did you feel like the only choice you had was to leave? I think I know why. Your whole life you’ve been trying to be your own person. You hate being categorized and lumped into a certain type of people group. You hate living in the shadow of others but you consistently seem to stay there. You’ve allowed other people to define you for a long time and you secretly hate it. That’s why you do things that seem to be outrageous, like some of the girls you’ve dated, hell, like the number of girls you’ve dated. You’ve tried your whole life to be your own person. Thing is you’ve worn so many you’s that your just now finding out who the real you is. You don’t like being compared to your father, why...because you see his faults? No, it’s because you don’t want to be type cast in a certain roll. You don’t like it when people have you figured out. You’ve been trying to run from mistakes made as a kid, mistakes made yesterday, and mistakes you continue to make, but you fail to see that the impact you leave when running is deeper than when you walk, or just stand still. You’ve been bouncing from decision to decision about city and state, city and state; it’s ok to live in the same place your whole life. It’s ok to go to the same church your whole life. It’s ok to be close to your family and available for them to use at will for your whole life.
See, you’ve been placing emphasis too much on trying to be you for you. You forget those people who need you to be you for them. The old lady who stops you in the store and says she’s been watching you for some time and is glad she ran into you, the kid who secretly wants to be just like you when he gets older, the siblings who need their older brother to be around, and the parents who need to see that they did right by you. The problem isn’t San Diego, it isn’t Lighthouse Baptist Church, and it isn’t your upbringing, home life or past mistakes. The problem is in your head. It’s your perception of success and accomplishment. Take time to realize the path you’re on, and where you’re going. Contrast that to where you could have been. It’s not that you’re trying to be something you’re not. You’re just trying to be you in a way that isn’t you. Take time Vic. Do your best with what you have, where you’re at, and when you do that, do better.  
In a year from now, when you sit down to write this letter again, remember 2011, remember tonight and smile knowing that as these words are being typed you had already taken the steps necessary to get you to the happiness you feel now.
                                                                                                  With love and sincerity

Once again I thank all of you for being a part of my journey and life. This has and will continue to become OUR WORLD and not just mine. Every post you read and comment on brings us closer together. Thanks for being here for me.  I look forward to spending a lot more time with you all in this new year!!!

                                                                                               Love ya world