Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Helpful Cliche


 STRESS A little word that plagues our lives on a regular basis. Some stress can be good, like exercise. But, we are not gonna talk about that kind of stress today. I'm talking about real stress, mental and emotional stress. The bad stress. It creeps up to the front doors of our lives, and instead of knocking like polite things do, It kicks down the front door and rushes in like a police drug task force ready to seize that illegal stash you keep hidden in your closet in the hole under your dirty clothes basket next to the shoes in the brown box behind the old sweater. (WHAT?????) Stress can be detrimental to your health and cause you serious problems, not to mention ruin your attitude and kill social standings and relationships. There are two ways this kind of stress can present itself and those are with unknown circumstances, or known circumstances. The way we handle them determines how we get through them, and how much better our outcome will be. I currently have two prevalent "stressful situations" in my life. Both of these present, either a known or unknown circumstance. Currently, I have adopted one of the most cliche sayings(even tough I hate sounding cliche) as my battle cry throughout these stressful times. Lets see if you can figure it out.


Yesterday was the first day of the hardest academic crunch period I have yet to face. I began my clinical labs (6 hours of classes), along with work, and in preparation for my clinicals and state boards. It's all going to be over soon. Four more months of school and I'm sitting for state exams and becoming a licensed respiratory therapist. This feat will set my whole life in motion, and give me a check mark on my list (see 13 b3fore 13). If i was in any other mindset, this would be a very hectic and stressful time for me. However, for some strange reason, I'm at peace with it all. The way I see it, I have a huge situation in front of me and my only choice is to go forward. I cant flip out over the possibility of failing, because failure is just a set back (that will not happen) that will give me more time to prepare. It's not a cockiness or an arrogant type of attitude. It's an acceptance of a problem, a visualization of a goal, and a realization of my mission. Yes, there will be obstacles along the way, there always are, but as crazy and as cliche as it sounds, I am too blessed to be stressed.


Sunday my transmission completely went bizerk in my car(that I just bought). Now, I could either be really pissed and throw a fit, freak and cry, or I can just be calm and work towards fixing the problem. I chose the latter. Just like with school, I realized that things happen. Some things we bring upon ourselves, and some things we can't control. I can't control my transmission in my car, just like I can't control the rain. (hmmm I might write a song called I can't control the rain, I like that..but anyway) All we cant do is accept and accomplish the things we need to in life, remembering that there are people who can't go to school and get an education. There are people who don't have cars. There is no point in stressing over the known or the unknown. Because no matter what your circumstance and/or trial YOU ARE TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!

                                                                                                       Keep on truckin World,

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