Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Why Black History Month Has Become Irrelevant

Hey world,
Tomorrow's calender marks the first of February, making it the first day of Black History Month, a title that I believe has become irrelevant in this day and age. Let me tell you why I think this way.

There used to be a time, not so long ago, when black people were not considered to be a relevant part of this country. On paper and in person they were left out of basic civil rights and freedoms. This was seen by the majority of the country to be "the norm". Many Americans did not see any problem with that. It wasn't until certain black AND white people came together and stood up for themselves through series of protests, preachings, and other religious and governmental acts. Then things began to change, black people started getting representation and civil rights were widely acknowledged for black people. This is the reason we are supposed to celebrate Black History Month. It was supposed to be a month of remembrance of the struggles people black AND white went through to ensure that we as black people have rights and freedoms. Also it was designed as a month to remind us to progress forward in memory of those who lived and gave their lives to make it possible to live as we do today. Sadly, that is not what it has become.

I love being black, but I see issues with black people. We often forget what people went through to get us to where we are.  We cry and scream about misrepresentation and racism when, if you think about it, we are being represented the way we portray ourselves. Why is it that every black movie a man is beating his wife, or he's an illegitimate father, or a gangster, or in prison? Is that misrepresentation? No, its a sad fact, you can do studies and try to prove it wrong all you want to, but the sad truth is, the media portrays an accurate picture of most black people today. Black people I submit to you there is nothing wrong with having an education, being a good father to your kids, and holding a steady job. In fact if you are not doing those things than something IS wrong. It's funny to me how those who have an education (and act like it) and are stable and don't cheat or beat on their women are considered "white washed" or abnormal. Don't we realize that that person is exactly what our forefathers tried to establish? They didn't want to be the hoodest gangster in the streets. They wanted to be the best mothers and fathers, the best citizens they could be for this country. BHM was supposed to a remembrance of where we were and a talisman for where we are going as a people. However, we seemed to be digressing as a people. Slaves had more dignity than some of these people you see on television and in the news. We have made BHM irrelevant because we have lost sight of the meaning and the hard work, blood, sweat, and tears that it took to make it possible. We cant even name the people posted in the pictures above, because we don't care. I can say it's time to change that, but if change doesn't happen in the individual, it wont happen at all. You can change clothes, but dirty is dirty.

My challenge to you world is simple. No matter what your ethnic background, people died and fought for your rights and freedoms. It may not be a well known fact, but its a guarantee that people struggled for you to be able to live the way you do today. Whether you are an American, or from another country, it makes no difference. Do not let the sacrifice of others become irrelevant to you and those around you.

                                                                                                   Much Love World,

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