Friday, January 27, 2012

Victorology 101 : Attraction, Attention, Affection

Hello Again World,

OK as I promised, here is a deeper look into me. Depending on how this goes I'm going continue posting these types of blogs to let you see into my soul (without the vinegar strokes) or at least into my mind. This blog will be a "getting to know you" blog (c'mon everybody sing the song)

Now that I've subjected you to that lets get down to business.
So.. I'm often asked what draws me to a certain girl or how do I go from like to love with someone. The question is usually phrased " Vic, what did you see in her?" After myriads of "around the bush" answers I realized I never really thought about it before..until NOW...Class is in session, lesson one..

It has been said, " The way into a man's heart is through his stomach" For me personally,  If all you do is get into my stomach, your getting digested with everything else in there, and like the food I eat I will use which parts I can and then get rid of the rest. "Wow, Vic that sounds harsh!!" I know, I know, and it isn't meant to be done on purpose, that is just how the stomach works. I don't pick and choose which foods I can reserve and which nutrients I throw out. (Are you catching the metaphor) I don't need you to cook for me. I can do that by myself. In fact I would love to cook for you. You don't have to slave around me and serve me like I'm somebody special...neh!
OK then Vic, how do I get to your heart? With your smile Sweety!!! The Beibs said it perfectly, When you smile, I smile. If she has me smiling and laughing all the time. She's a shoe in for Mrs. Marshall. Now, Obviously there are other factors that may seem shallow to you if I said them, but c'mon for real you have to be able to see yourself in a picture with that person and not be ashamed. But honestly a good smile and great laugh trumps a lot of the shallow idiosyncrasies I might have. If you want me to be attracted to you...Get me smiling with your smile....lesson two

Once you have me smiling, you now have my attention because I want to see you smile more! (Are you getting how this works) It gets to the point where I do things on purpose now to make you smile, I put my self out there with some of the dumbest things ever just because I know that when I do, you light up. Be it a stupid joke or a dumb song or just everyday conversation. I now want to make you smile because you've made me smile. You now have my attention.....lesson three

This is honestly my favorite part. Because now, not only am I attracted to you, but you also you have my attention. this is where I start to think about you ALL the time, I'm tryna catch a glimpse of you around town. I start using my ninja skills to learn the hidden secrets about you that you wont tell me. I'm Paying so much attention to you that I'm falling for you. At first, I was probably "feeling" you, but a "touch" can be brushed off easily. Now...Right Now...THIS RIGHT different. I've fallen for that smile and the person behind it. As some of my friends would say "It's a wrap" "It's a done dada" I'm caught. Oh, and please don't ever let me see you not smiling (a.k.a. sad or crying), because that tears me up and fuels me with a burning desire to get that smile back on your face. It's crazy. It's how I'm programmed and there isn't anything I can do about it. Some of you have seen this in action and you know I'm speaking truth. I can't help it. It could be the most destructive thing ever but, hey, she followed the steps and BAM! 'caught!

I usually try and proof read these before I post them, well sometimes, but I know I've given a lot of information that could be used against me by those who seek evil, so I will not do that. I'll just up my ninja skills to combat those evil doers..ok that was dumb, so I'm gonna end this with none other than the BEIBS!!

Love Ya World and keep smiling!

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