Monday, April 23, 2012

Diary of an Unemployed Black Man

Dear World,

        In typical Vic fashion I did something crazy. The thing is, the action wasn't the crazy part. Let me explain. I finally did it. I quit my job! You know, the thing that has been killing me repeatedly every Thursday through Monday night since September 2010. I did it. The crazy part is, I should have done it a long time ago. Here is why.
       When you work everyday for a company and you do your best, the company should at least respect you enough to give you the tools to do your job well. Mind you, this is the same job where I repeatedly encountered vicious, wild, animals intent on taking my life. However, despite my repeated attempts at workplace equality, my fellow coworkers and I were "sent through the kitchen entrance and told to eat off the floor." Well you know what? I HAD A DREAM, in fact, more of a realization, that I could do better. I should do better. There is no reason to work the hours I did for as long as I did, and get treated the way I did. Now, I don't think I'm anything special, but I do believe that a servant is worthy of his hire and all that good stuff. So, I started looking for another job, gave my two weeks notice and quit.
        The question is now whether or not I found a job. No, I'm still unemployed, BUT, I've had interviews every week since I've been out of work, and they've gone well. I actually have a serving job now that I start on Thursday, and an interview for Macy's on Wednesday. I'm doing my thing. Some people say, Vic wouldn't it have been smart to get another job first before you quit? To you I say SHUTUP! You don't think I thought of that?? Been working on it, but I'm not worried. The right will come as long as you keep looking.
         I've been looking on Craigslist for jobs and I tell you some of these postings are straight candy toting, van with the creepy windows driving, Chester the molester looking CREEPERS! They want a "personal assistant", and when they email you back, you get the same exact script from 3 different names, with no variation in the email at all...mmmm..mmmmmm no suh, not me! I refuse to be on the next milk carton with a have you seen this man above my face, especially at my age. Adult napping? Now that's, just embarrassing. So I keep looking for smart jobs and safe interviews. If they call you back its usually ok to go to. Just be careful because these people can be crafty.
         So in the grand scheme of things, I've managed to rid myself of the weight that I've carried for years. The same weight that altered my mentality, change my social status, and limited my productivity. I'll admit I hate being broke and out of work, but I also hate being taken advantage of. So in retrospect, my decision to quit and look for better was a good one, and it will pay off. I'm just hoping it does soon.

For richer or Poorer,
  Love ya world

*DISCLAIMER quitting your job is not the answer to everyone's problems. Search yourself and your situation before considering. Remember the economy is rough and not everyone can be guaranteed to find employment elsewhere.

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