Hey World
Currently I'm mad. Why am I mad? I'm mad because of people who call themselves Christians continue to be the very opposite of the word when it comes to racial matters involved with marriage. I want to start out by saying that NOWHERE in my Bible does it say that inter racial marriage is wrong. What Vic? What about the whole be ye not unequally yoked thing? Negative ghost rider read the rest of the verse...It goes on to say together with unbelievers...meaning unsaved people..see most people want to quote that verse and forget the last part. I say OK forget the last part but remember this. We live in AMERICA, land of the free and home of the brave. The land in which our founding fathers penned the very words " We believe that all men were created equal." This concept has been fought for and defended throughout the years as Americans so now today we stand and say without scruples that ALL men were created EQUAL. So from a Biblical and political stand point that argument is Faulty! So bigot Christian you haven't convinced me...Next argument!! Well the Gospel was only given to the Jews and not the Gentiles.... Well that's because the Jews were God's chosen people...next argument. Well the Samaritans were half breeds and even Jesus didn't share the gospel with them. OK once again... the gospel was given for the Jews only..Are you a Jew? No!!!
OK, so now that your Biblically proven wrong, the argument becomes a social issue. I know when this particular thing happened to me, one of the excuses was, "the other (extended) members of our family wont like it." I also heard the excuse that "the children will face too much adversity from society and it would be too hard for them".For real???? The world Loves mixed kids. Everybody wants to be a mixed kid. Diversity amplifies not identifies!..Just excuses to say no, he's black and I'm semi- racist. You see you can be friends but you can't date? Are we not all brothers and sisters in Christ? Why is there such bigotry in today's churches? You want to preach fire and brimstone and running from sin but you hold sin in your heart in the form of racism. Why is it OK for me as a black man to know the same God you do, Go to the same church You do, Sit in the same pew, but not date your daughter because of my color? ARE YOU KIDDING ME??
Like I said before this happened to me a couple of years ago, and I wasn't prepared to handle it. It honestly tore me apart. those who were around then can testify that I wasn't the same person after that. Now it's happening to others who are close to me and it upsets me. I am currently dating a Filipino girl she is amazing I couldn't ask for better, but to those who are getting denied their chance at happiness because of race here is my advice.
#1. Educate yourself...know what you believe and why you believe it. Don't allow yourself to be convinced that you are in the wrong because of your creed or color.
#2. Realize that it isn't you, its them...If people actually took the time to get to know you as a person they may like you, they may not, but at least they took the chance to get passed your appearance, and got to know the real you.
#3. Stand up for yourself....trust me if you don't you will regret it. Even if you lose the relationship just knowing that you spoke your mind and you showed them you disagreed will take you a long way. You will feel better about yourself knowing you did everything you could.
#4. If the other party isn't willing to fight for you, say your piece and leave. Do not be the only one fighting for your right to love. It has to be a group effort. If the other party isn't interested in fighting with you don't go to war. State your belief and leave the battlefield if not you will only injure yourself more.
It saddens me that the people who are supposed to be Christ-like are the people who often inflict the most hurt on their "brethren" This isn't right guys. Not for any race
Its a sad day for Christendom World
Monday, February 27, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
I'm Not Serious
You know that person that always says, "I'm serious..." after every thing that they say, just so they can emphasize, they're SERIOUS?
I have to be that person sometimes. Why? Because I'm always joking around. It can be a curse at times, but somebody's got to do it. That somebody is me. Or maybe it's you too.
It's important to remember: Laugh.
We see those signs all over the place, "Live. Love. Laugh". In my opinion, those are always a little over rated to see EVERYWHERE. It's like people need to have constant reminder of that so they buy frames and doormats that say that (I am guilty of the doormat btw).
And now that I think about it, what does that phrase even mean? Let me explain to myself, because I have to do that often.
Live - Remember that just because you're alive doesn't mean that you're living your life to the fullest. We interpret living as taking risks or chances, stepping it up in the game, making it a good work week, or even deciding to go that restaurant that you keep driving by and actually try out their food! Living is an action. We already have a life. But we only have one life to live.
Love - I'm thinking that this action verb trend is eminent in this phrase, because you have to choose to love sometimes. We can involuntarily love family, but choosing to love the chick that cuts you off on the freeway is a choice. I chose not to love her this morning. =P Remembering to love not only people but the things that we do. I love my job. I have to repeat it to myself about three times a day to make sure it registeres in my brain....and my heart.
Laugh - Oh here it is. Here. It. Is. My favorite, laughter. I cannot understand a person that can't even smile or laugh and enjoy themselves. The face is so much more pleasant to look at when I person isn't scowling or snubbing other people that are enjoying themselves. There's a time and a place, and that is completely understandable. But heed my warning, if you're standing with me with a group of friends and you're the only person not laughing, I'll laugh harder. For the both of us. <3 I love you.
Life is too short you guys. It really is.
So you know what to do...
I challenge not only you, but myself.
"Challenge accepted..."
![]() |
Hot Chick Laughing FTW |
I have to be that person sometimes. Why? Because I'm always joking around. It can be a curse at times, but somebody's got to do it. That somebody is me. Or maybe it's you too.
It's important to remember: Laugh.
We see those signs all over the place, "Live. Love. Laugh". In my opinion, those are always a little over rated to see EVERYWHERE. It's like people need to have constant reminder of that so they buy frames and doormats that say that (I am guilty of the doormat btw).
And now that I think about it, what does that phrase even mean? Let me explain to myself, because I have to do that often.
Live - Remember that just because you're alive doesn't mean that you're living your life to the fullest. We interpret living as taking risks or chances, stepping it up in the game, making it a good work week, or even deciding to go that restaurant that you keep driving by and actually try out their food! Living is an action. We already have a life. But we only have one life to live.
Love - I'm thinking that this action verb trend is eminent in this phrase, because you have to choose to love sometimes. We can involuntarily love family, but choosing to love the chick that cuts you off on the freeway is a choice. I chose not to love her this morning. =P Remembering to love not only people but the things that we do. I love my job. I have to repeat it to myself about three times a day to make sure it registeres in my brain....and my heart.
Laugh - Oh here it is. Here. It. Is. My favorite, laughter. I cannot understand a person that can't even smile or laugh and enjoy themselves. The face is so much more pleasant to look at when I person isn't scowling or snubbing other people that are enjoying themselves. There's a time and a place, and that is completely understandable. But heed my warning, if you're standing with me with a group of friends and you're the only person not laughing, I'll laugh harder. For the both of us. <3 I love you.

So you know what to do...
I challenge not only you, but myself.
"Challenge accepted..."
Monday, February 20, 2012
A Hard Stick
Hey World,
So you know (If you read my last blog post) that I'm in clinical rotations for respiratory therapy. Well, one of the job tasks that a respiratory therapist does on a daily basis is an ABG.... ABG? What is this ABG you speak of Vic? Well, my friends an ABG is an Arterial Blood Gas. In simple terms, It is a measurement of blood taken from the artery, unlike the blood that gets drawn in the blood mobiles form the veins. This arterial blood draw can tell you the balance of a persons body in regards to the oxygen, carbon dioxide, and acid/base levels in their body. It can also tell you if their is a problem with a persons breathing, and or kidney function. I know crazy right? That isn't all, it can also tell you the category of disease in the persons body, AND how long the body has been trying to correct that disease. I know, its a lot, but its also very important to the treatment of a patient. How can this one blood draw tell you so much? Simply put, because it is the blood that comes from the heart. This flow of blood comes pulsating from the heart and tells you what the body is carrying to the extremities. It's coming directly from the source, to give the vital parts the necessary means of survival. It brings the important elements to the body, without it...we would die.
Like Everything does, this got me thinking, and if you can tell where I'm going with this already then good on ya. I started thinking about relationships. All relationships, friends, lovers, marriages, families, we all need love and conversation to keep us going. We all have vital parts that need to be perfused with something from the heart in order to survive. ( I know that's poor sentence structure, but oh well) The thing is, sometimes we lose that "heart fed nutrition" in our relationships. I know I personally can get complacent with friends and kind of back shelf people who have been there for me for years. Why Vic? That is a horrible thing to do....Well, such is life. People change people get older, but that doesn't mean you have to lose touch with them. As you get older your body tends to use blood more in different places than it used to when you were younger. It adjusts. The same with relationships. Sometimes in order to tell the disease, and what needs to be fixed you have to get the issue straight from the heart. Only then can you truly fix and repair the problems with the relationship.
The problem isn't that we don't know how to fix the relationship. The problem is that it sometimes hurts. The thing about the ABG that differentiates it from a venous draw is, also the bad part. It comes directly from the heart, but that means you have to access it from another part of the body. You have to directly access an artery. The artery is deeper than the vein, and usually not visible from the skin. You literally have to feel for the pulse and "go in blind" and hope that you hit the vessel. That's the issue with relationships sometimes, like with the ABG, you can't feel the pulse, or it is barely palpable. Regardless of the feel of the pulse you still have to find out how to correct this person/relationship. So you have to just "stick" the person and try to feel for the artery. This type of "hard stick" can hurt, and it may cause damage but it can also be perfect and go smoothly. You never know. All you can do is trust yourself, calm your nerves, and "stick em."
Success in drawing an ABG is a rewarding experience. It can also be detrimental to the progression of a patients health. Just knowing what a problem is, opens the door to the knowledge of how to fix it, but we have to be willing to go through a little pain in order to make it work. I" challenge you to reapair some of the diseased parts of your body, your relationships.
So you know (If you read my last blog post) that I'm in clinical rotations for respiratory therapy. Well, one of the job tasks that a respiratory therapist does on a daily basis is an ABG.... ABG? What is this ABG you speak of Vic? Well, my friends an ABG is an Arterial Blood Gas. In simple terms, It is a measurement of blood taken from the artery, unlike the blood that gets drawn in the blood mobiles form the veins. This arterial blood draw can tell you the balance of a persons body in regards to the oxygen, carbon dioxide, and acid/base levels in their body. It can also tell you if their is a problem with a persons breathing, and or kidney function. I know crazy right? That isn't all, it can also tell you the category of disease in the persons body, AND how long the body has been trying to correct that disease. I know, its a lot, but its also very important to the treatment of a patient. How can this one blood draw tell you so much? Simply put, because it is the blood that comes from the heart. This flow of blood comes pulsating from the heart and tells you what the body is carrying to the extremities. It's coming directly from the source, to give the vital parts the necessary means of survival. It brings the important elements to the body, without it...we would die.
Like Everything does, this got me thinking, and if you can tell where I'm going with this already then good on ya. I started thinking about relationships. All relationships, friends, lovers, marriages, families, we all need love and conversation to keep us going. We all have vital parts that need to be perfused with something from the heart in order to survive. ( I know that's poor sentence structure, but oh well) The thing is, sometimes we lose that "heart fed nutrition" in our relationships. I know I personally can get complacent with friends and kind of back shelf people who have been there for me for years. Why Vic? That is a horrible thing to do....Well, such is life. People change people get older, but that doesn't mean you have to lose touch with them. As you get older your body tends to use blood more in different places than it used to when you were younger. It adjusts. The same with relationships. Sometimes in order to tell the disease, and what needs to be fixed you have to get the issue straight from the heart. Only then can you truly fix and repair the problems with the relationship.
The problem isn't that we don't know how to fix the relationship. The problem is that it sometimes hurts. The thing about the ABG that differentiates it from a venous draw is, also the bad part. It comes directly from the heart, but that means you have to access it from another part of the body. You have to directly access an artery. The artery is deeper than the vein, and usually not visible from the skin. You literally have to feel for the pulse and "go in blind" and hope that you hit the vessel. That's the issue with relationships sometimes, like with the ABG, you can't feel the pulse, or it is barely palpable. Regardless of the feel of the pulse you still have to find out how to correct this person/relationship. So you have to just "stick" the person and try to feel for the artery. This type of "hard stick" can hurt, and it may cause damage but it can also be perfect and go smoothly. You never know. All you can do is trust yourself, calm your nerves, and "stick em."
Success in drawing an ABG is a rewarding experience. It can also be detrimental to the progression of a patients health. Just knowing what a problem is, opens the door to the knowledge of how to fix it, but we have to be willing to go through a little pain in order to make it work. I" challenge you to reapair some of the diseased parts of your body, your relationships.
The Blitz
Hello World, It's been a while, I know. I have been busy fostering my hopes and dreams and impregnating my future. Yes, I said that just because I wanted to use those action verbs, but so what...that's just how I feel today. I have been busy with clinical rotations lately, and they have been exiting and insightful. I hope you have enjoyed the friends of mine that have stopped by on the blog in my absence. For those who do not know, I am currently in my last clinical rotation at California College San Diego in the school of respiratory Therapy. I have a few more months to go and I am finished with the program. I can hardly wait. Life, the way I want to live it, begins after I finish this program and find a job. I'm often missing out on things and as a friend (Allison) pointed out to me yesterday I've become "The Blitz"
Missing out on "Life as we know it".. It used to bother me. I used to look at he friendships that seem to unravel in my life, and the people I lose contact with on a daily basis, and it used to bother me. That is one of the reasons I started blogging. I wanted to still be able to reach out to the people I care about. I wanted to give my voice a medium to travel the world and go places I will never get to go. It's crazy because it does just that. I have readers in countries I have never been to. Countries I will probably never visit. Those are people who are getting closer to me with every post, every stupid joke, and every video. I love it!! I enjoy being this person. Even though my schedule makes me a "Blitz" in my immediate social life, I am a part of others lives everyday, and that's just cray!!So when you see me and my random facebook/twitter stati, or my pop up blog posts know that you aren't the only I'm thinking of at the moment. I'm trying to reconnect with all the people I have grown out of touch with. I'm trying to share little pieces of me with you.....That's it Ashley Simpson just popped into my head when I said that so you know its on....
With that said and done I say Goodbye and Goodnight World....Till next time (probably tomorrow),
Missing out on "Life as we know it".. It used to bother me. I used to look at he friendships that seem to unravel in my life, and the people I lose contact with on a daily basis, and it used to bother me. That is one of the reasons I started blogging. I wanted to still be able to reach out to the people I care about. I wanted to give my voice a medium to travel the world and go places I will never get to go. It's crazy because it does just that. I have readers in countries I have never been to. Countries I will probably never visit. Those are people who are getting closer to me with every post, every stupid joke, and every video. I love it!! I enjoy being this person. Even though my schedule makes me a "Blitz" in my immediate social life, I am a part of others lives everyday, and that's just cray!!So when you see me and my random facebook/twitter stati, or my pop up blog posts know that you aren't the only I'm thinking of at the moment. I'm trying to reconnect with all the people I have grown out of touch with. I'm trying to share little pieces of me with you.....That's it Ashley Simpson just popped into my head when I said that so you know its on....
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Defining Moments
OMG! Vic’s world is so bright and shiny!!! Well then… let
me, Dave, perchance make it even more magical and choked with fairy dust!
As we begin, let me tell you of a talk I had with Mr. Victor Marshall
Jr. The other night my man Vic and I were engaged in a riveting convo, in
which we began talking about what we always love to talk about: LIFE, LOVE, AND
FRIENDS! Our group of friends, the “Peeps,” as I like to call this motley group
of hooligans is ridiculously close as anybody who knows anything about us knows.
Thus, we have been known to share just about anything and everything about our daily
lives. Anyways, back to the conversation…
it ebbed and flowed through different topics, including love, levels of maturity,
and even our childhoods. Eventually, however, we landed on the subject of those moments in our lives which change or alter our point of view and mature us in certain ways; our “defining moments” if you will.
Now, defining moments come in all shapes and sizes and you
are likely to have hundreds and hundreds in your life. They can involve anything from love, to careers, to even maturity. Personally, I have had a
couple different ones in the past few years. First, I decided I wanted to join the Air Force.
Second, I completed the equivalent of basic training for Air Force officers,
called Field Training. Now, yes, these are obvious defining moments, but there
are others that make more subtle changes that we may not even realize until
That being said, I am taken back to last summer. It was a
time of general loneliness for me. You see, my brother had just left home,
moving across country to start his life as a marine officer and my closest
friend was in Officer Candidate School for the Marine Corps. <- yeah, a lot of
military influence around here. Simply stated, I had a lot of time to myself to
think and reflect , which isn’t always good! Dare I say, I became a little
depressed. All I wanted was to go active duty Air Force and leave San Diego…. There
was nothing for me here anymore (I thought). I had other good friends to hang out with, but
it didn’t change my feelings… I wanted to leave. But alas, I had to finish college….” One more year… one more year,” I thought to myself. It seemed like everyone around me was off doing something important and I was stuck here doing nothing.
Before long though, I began to mature. Those of you who know me
probably want to refute this, but IT HAPPENED!!! OKAY!!! IT HAPPENED! What had
happened though? Well, in my restless state, I had decided that, as
long as I was here, I might as well try and better myself. Did I feel I was
adequate enough to lead Airmen?… um no. So I set about trying to make myself…more
adequate?...sure. I started reading more- about leadership and different
things. I began getting into better shape. I picked up the guitar for kicks. I even tried
to practice being a quieter individual; thinking more about the things I say.
Slowly, I began becoming like a well-rounded adult human being and stuff! I know this might
sound ridiculous; I mean, I wasn’t an extremely immature person to start with,
but I had come to the realization that I had a little bit of growing up to do, especially before I enter that "real world."
This was a defining moment in my life, though I didn’t
realize it at the time. Sometimes we don’t recognize it right away, but God places
situations in our lives that ready us for that big, ugly, real world out there.
So….recognize and take advantage of those situations yo! Its kinda cool when
you figure out what just happened! Thanks for reading! Stay classy ya'll!
Peace, Love, and...
PS- Thanks to Vic for letting me post on his blog! Love ya bud!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
“Hearts, Stars...and Horse shoes?”
Currently listening to: “One More Time with Feeling” –Regina Spektor

Hey Vic’s world! Tin Tin to the rescue! BOOM! I’m taken over for a second. He gave me an inch, and like the devil, I’ll take the whole nine yards. Cue cynical laughter wahahahaha…
Actually, I think Vic’s been waiting for this and I’ve been putting it off because, one, I lack blogger’s confidence, and two, I felt like I didn’t have anything useful to share…Until now! It’s more in reference to his last blog. Since he’s addressing the pending topic of the month- Valentine’s Day, I think I’ll retaliate just to press some buttons. Ready? Cracks knuckles Here we go!
Ladies, we are only one of two things when it comes to Valentine’s Day:
1) LOVE IT!! (Like Cold Stone 48 oz. “Love It” size ice cream cups.)
2) LOATHES it. (like the way you love the pimple on your face screaming “squeeze me.”)
Whether you are a lover or a loather of the day, don’t be a pessimist and rain on everyone else’s parade. Shoot, better yet, join them! The worse thing that could happen is that you get a sympathy vote and a free drink or meal. Shrug who knows! You gotta take a chance.
Now, if you’re ready to get your V-day on, Ladies (and possibly men), here are a few pointers for YOU to consider:
#1: DRESS UP. I don’t care if you’re having dinner at home or going out, make the best of the occasion and be a show stopper for your boo or your bff’s! Make some memories and make them pretty! Try to remember the day as “the day we broke necks.” If someone is taking the time to make you his or hers, at least give him or her the respect to have pride in you for a day. Then, you can go back to your sweat pants and uggs, aight?
#2: VALUE EVERYTHING. We are told by society to “appreciate the small the things…” but on this day, the day a man consciously lowers his pride to please you, the least you can do is blush and outwardly show that you’ve been blown away.
#3: RECIPROCATE. Love is a two way street. Ladies, you might be pretty, and he might be paying for everything (even emotionally) but give back please. For the sake of all women, don’t be a greedy b*tch and expect everything and give nothing in return. I’m not referring to putting out (but hey, if that’s your thing, to each his own), I’m talking about matching his efforts; tick for tack. This isn’t your wedding day ladies, it’s Valentine’s so try to be just as creative as your he or she is. Give him or her a framed picture of you two, allow them to dance with you, shoot! Say thank you ,damn it! Lol! It’s really not rocket science, but for the sake of those who somehow mesh the two; here you go. A few ideas I could give away are:
• Create a “reasons why I love/like you” book.
• Mixed tape , err….CD/playlist? (I can’t keep up with technology).
• Cologne. If you’re too scared to tell him what scents you like, get it for him. Don’t make it hard for him to find out what YOU like on him. Seriously, ‘nough with the mind games.
Lastly and most importantly.
• Your time. Your undivided attention is always a win. Guaranteed.
Just listen to ATL and “make it up with love…”
Whatever you choose to do, have a AMAZING Valentine’s Day!! You only get one day at a time; make the most of it.
I hope that was insightful. Now go and enjoy yourselves!
I’m done.
Thanks for your time, World! Till next time…
Tin Tin

Hey Vic’s world! Tin Tin to the rescue! BOOM! I’m taken over for a second. He gave me an inch, and like the devil, I’ll take the whole nine yards. Cue cynical laughter wahahahaha…
Actually, I think Vic’s been waiting for this and I’ve been putting it off because, one, I lack blogger’s confidence, and two, I felt like I didn’t have anything useful to share…Until now! It’s more in reference to his last blog. Since he’s addressing the pending topic of the month- Valentine’s Day, I think I’ll retaliate just to press some buttons. Ready? Cracks knuckles Here we go!
Ladies, we are only one of two things when it comes to Valentine’s Day:
1) LOVE IT!! (Like Cold Stone 48 oz. “Love It” size ice cream cups.)
2) LOATHES it. (like the way you love the pimple on your face screaming “squeeze me.”)
Whether you are a lover or a loather of the day, don’t be a pessimist and rain on everyone else’s parade. Shoot, better yet, join them! The worse thing that could happen is that you get a sympathy vote and a free drink or meal. Shrug who knows! You gotta take a chance.
Now, if you’re ready to get your V-day on, Ladies (and possibly men), here are a few pointers for YOU to consider:
#1: DRESS UP. I don’t care if you’re having dinner at home or going out, make the best of the occasion and be a show stopper for your boo or your bff’s! Make some memories and make them pretty! Try to remember the day as “the day we broke necks.” If someone is taking the time to make you his or hers, at least give him or her the respect to have pride in you for a day. Then, you can go back to your sweat pants and uggs, aight?
#2: VALUE EVERYTHING. We are told by society to “appreciate the small the things…” but on this day, the day a man consciously lowers his pride to please you, the least you can do is blush and outwardly show that you’ve been blown away.
#3: RECIPROCATE. Love is a two way street. Ladies, you might be pretty, and he might be paying for everything (even emotionally) but give back please. For the sake of all women, don’t be a greedy b*tch and expect everything and give nothing in return. I’m not referring to putting out (but hey, if that’s your thing, to each his own), I’m talking about matching his efforts; tick for tack. This isn’t your wedding day ladies, it’s Valentine’s so try to be just as creative as your he or she is. Give him or her a framed picture of you two, allow them to dance with you, shoot! Say thank you ,damn it! Lol! It’s really not rocket science, but for the sake of those who somehow mesh the two; here you go. A few ideas I could give away are:
• Create a “reasons why I love/like you” book.
• Mixed tape , err….CD/playlist? (I can’t keep up with technology).
• Cologne. If you’re too scared to tell him what scents you like, get it for him. Don’t make it hard for him to find out what YOU like on him. Seriously, ‘nough with the mind games.
Lastly and most importantly.
• Your time. Your undivided attention is always a win. Guaranteed.
Just listen to ATL and “make it up with love…”
Whatever you choose to do, have a AMAZING Valentine’s Day!! You only get one day at a time; make the most of it.
I hope that was insightful. Now go and enjoy yourselves!
I’m done.
Thanks for your time, World! Till next time…
Tin Tin
Thank Sweet, That Funk, That Gushy Stuff
Hey World Hey,
It's that time of the year again when lovers unite and singles suddenly become aware of their singleness. (like they haven't been aware all year... right) People get bitter because they have no one, and some desperately search for their new love for a day. It's comical to watch, and sweet as well. When two people express their love for each other during this time, everything they do is amplified and "brownie points" are added to both sides of the table. The best and most exiting love around this time is New Love. New lovers are often awkward and kind of comical around this time of year. Often they don't know what to do. Expressing love can be hard at times and it can easily be done the wrong way. So, for these new lovers out there, here are some pointers
#1 Guys: Something sweet Never fails guys, Chocolates are almost expected around this time of year. Be advised, A snickers bar does not constitute as chocolate. Go all out guys. Don't be cheap. Be creative. Anything chocolate dipped...It's over! Not only must you give sweets, You must BE SWEET as well. First timer's can even get away with borderline cheeziness...Use it while you can guys because the door closes on cheeziness after a while and it doesn't open until years later.
Girls: Let him be cheezy. He is trying hard to make you feel special this time of year. He's an awkward man. Cherish his effort. Even if you hate chocolate, fake it for him. You can tell him on St. Patrick's Day.
#2 Guys: That Funk....Dude...Dump that bottle of old spice out and buy you some smell-me-goods. Ladies Love it!!! Not only is perfume a good gift for her, during this time its also a good gift for yourself. Do yourself a favor and ALWAYS smell good. She will thank you. Hell, I'll thank you too my dude. Also, get her some flowers, Doesn't have to be roses...Be creative bro. Find out her favorite flower and get her a nice bouquet. You don't have to be cliche. You can be original, trust me she'll love that.
Girls....find that special smell you love on him and either hint him into it, or just buy it for him n say hey boy hey wear this. I Guarantee he will.
#3 Guys: That gushy stuff..Ok, his is the fun part. DO NOT SPEND MONEY ON THIS PART. Its not about what's in your wallet. It's about whats in your heart. Find out what that is, and exploit that feeling! Let it all out! Use your talents whatever they may be. Write her a poem, sing her a song. If you cant write or sing well, pull out that "free cheese pass". Men, you have to show her that you put time and effort into his. Even if it ultimately embarrasses her, the sheer fact that you spent the time and energy to do it, is a couple points for you. Cook her dinner and invite her over. Put post-it-notes in a path to a table outside with dinner waiting. DO SOMETHIN CRAZY!!! This is where you show her that you care bro. Give her 100% of your time. Put your phone away, Turn off your television. Close your computer and stop reading my blog........Not right now you idiot!......show her that she's the most important person in the world. Because at this moment, no one and nothing else matters.
Girls: This moment for him is a crucial one. Enjoy it. Swoon, melt, allow him to take you to that magical place in your heart and mind where every girl feels like a Disney princess. Even if it didn't come out exactly perfect. acknowledge his effort and reward him accordingly.
Now by no means is this fool proof. Its not even going to work for everyone, but it pretty close to working so keep at it and you'll get it. Love is a daily thing it grows as you do. This time of year is just a way to remind her that you haven't forgotten that she's important......and for all you singles out there trippin...stop hatin!!!
Enjoy that sweet, that funk, and that gushy stuff, World
It's that time of the year again when lovers unite and singles suddenly become aware of their singleness. (like they haven't been aware all year... right) People get bitter because they have no one, and some desperately search for their new love for a day. It's comical to watch, and sweet as well. When two people express their love for each other during this time, everything they do is amplified and "brownie points" are added to both sides of the table. The best and most exiting love around this time is New Love. New lovers are often awkward and kind of comical around this time of year. Often they don't know what to do. Expressing love can be hard at times and it can easily be done the wrong way. So, for these new lovers out there, here are some pointers
#1 Guys: Something sweet Never fails guys, Chocolates are almost expected around this time of year. Be advised, A snickers bar does not constitute as chocolate. Go all out guys. Don't be cheap. Be creative. Anything chocolate dipped...It's over! Not only must you give sweets, You must BE SWEET as well. First timer's can even get away with borderline cheeziness...Use it while you can guys because the door closes on cheeziness after a while and it doesn't open until years later.
Girls: Let him be cheezy. He is trying hard to make you feel special this time of year. He's an awkward man. Cherish his effort. Even if you hate chocolate, fake it for him. You can tell him on St. Patrick's Day.
#2 Guys: That Funk....Dude...Dump that bottle of old spice out and buy you some smell-me-goods. Ladies Love it!!! Not only is perfume a good gift for her, during this time its also a good gift for yourself. Do yourself a favor and ALWAYS smell good. She will thank you. Hell, I'll thank you too my dude. Also, get her some flowers, Doesn't have to be roses...Be creative bro. Find out her favorite flower and get her a nice bouquet. You don't have to be cliche. You can be original, trust me she'll love that.
Girls....find that special smell you love on him and either hint him into it, or just buy it for him n say hey boy hey wear this. I Guarantee he will.
#3 Guys: That gushy stuff..Ok, his is the fun part. DO NOT SPEND MONEY ON THIS PART. Its not about what's in your wallet. It's about whats in your heart. Find out what that is, and exploit that feeling! Let it all out! Use your talents whatever they may be. Write her a poem, sing her a song. If you cant write or sing well, pull out that "free cheese pass". Men, you have to show her that you put time and effort into his. Even if it ultimately embarrasses her, the sheer fact that you spent the time and energy to do it, is a couple points for you. Cook her dinner and invite her over. Put post-it-notes in a path to a table outside with dinner waiting. DO SOMETHIN CRAZY!!! This is where you show her that you care bro. Give her 100% of your time. Put your phone away, Turn off your television. Close your computer and stop reading my blog........Not right now you idiot!......show her that she's the most important person in the world. Because at this moment, no one and nothing else matters.
Girls: This moment for him is a crucial one. Enjoy it. Swoon, melt, allow him to take you to that magical place in your heart and mind where every girl feels like a Disney princess. Even if it didn't come out exactly perfect. acknowledge his effort and reward him accordingly.
Now by no means is this fool proof. Its not even going to work for everyone, but it pretty close to working so keep at it and you'll get it. Love is a daily thing it grows as you do. This time of year is just a way to remind her that you haven't forgotten that she's important......and for all you singles out there trippin...stop hatin!!!
Enjoy that sweet, that funk, and that gushy stuff, World
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Who is it for You?
Friends. We all have them. Some we value more than others. Often we give the aforementioned individuals extra slices of access to our personal lives. In fact, we typically recognize these people as our "best friends." When you're a man there is an even more exclusive type of companionship you can award to a select few.
What I speak of is brohood.
It's difficult to describe what exactly makes one eligible to be an adequate brombre. I would go as far as to say that essentially anybody possesses the ability to be your good friend; however, there are only so many that spawn from the ancient descent and brahwesome lineage of the Bromo Erectus. Not everybody is capable of engaging in a bromantic relationship. It takes a brofessional. Some dudes are just not cut out for the job. They can't handle having a brodak moment let alone committing to a bromestic partnership. This is why if you ever find your friendship with another dude picking up bromentum, put that sparkling wiggle on lock-down and add him to the list of bromigos! It's not fun -- or healthy for that matter -- being bronely. Sometimes you need that friend to get all Brahptimus Prime on your brahberry self, give you a good kick in the bronads and tell you to stop acting like a woman!
Pause. Ha. Brahberry doesn't really fit, but I really wanted to use it! Give me a break! Un-pause.
With all that being said, I am proud and fortunate enough to be able to count Sir Victor among my broheim. Not simply because I can rely on him to play wingman for me with the comfort of knowing that he'll do me justice and build me up to your local broho, but because I can also rely on him to brocheck me when I really need it. There are plenty of times that I act like an idiot. There are plenty of times I exaggerate certain situations in my own mind and require an unbiased perspective from those that can fairly provide it. There are four other guys who I trust to do this, but since we're in Vic's World, I'm going to talk about him for a minute.
There is a saying Vic and I frequently find ourselves repeating to each other: "I knew it, I just needed somebody to tell me." Most of the time it's those difficult concepts we have a hard time wrapping our heads around. The right thing to do, but not always the easiest. I value sound judgement. More than that, I value the fact that there exist people around me who can actually give it to me. I've been thinking about friends lately and recently it seems that I came to a revelation.
Pause. Spoiler alert: Danilo is about to get all sentimental on your brahberry self. Continue at your own risk! Un-pause.
Dave is a mutual friend of both Vic and myself. Dave is also a member of the brethren. We have literally discussed every topic under the sun. After spending time with the both of them over the past couple weeks, I started thinking about the people closest to me. My friends. My family. Then I came to the realization that I take them all for granted. Holy crap do I take them all for granted! It's funny how you don't appreciate certain things until they're gone (or about to be in my case). Especially now that we're older and the people who care about us most want to know that we actually care about them back.
Having said all of that, I charge you to grab your phone right now and call or text somebody that you love. Tell them exactly that - that you love them. Let them know that you appreciate them. Maybe there is somebody on your mind that you don't want to say "I love you" to, but instead want to let them know that you're thinking about them. If it's somebody you care about, send them a pleasant surprise. Seriously, text them right now. Your phone is probably right by your side and it will take you all of ten seconds to do it. I did it and chose to send it to my dad (I sent one to my mom last week so she's good, haha!).
If there is somebody (or a set of somebodies) that I would say I care most about in this world, it would definitely be my parents. Who is it for you?
Yes. I still call my parents mommy and daddy. Old habits die hard. Thanks mom and dad! Gosh!
Okay I'm out.
What I speak of is brohood.
It's difficult to describe what exactly makes one eligible to be an adequate brombre. I would go as far as to say that essentially anybody possesses the ability to be your good friend; however, there are only so many that spawn from the ancient descent and brahwesome lineage of the Bromo Erectus. Not everybody is capable of engaging in a bromantic relationship. It takes a brofessional. Some dudes are just not cut out for the job. They can't handle having a brodak moment let alone committing to a bromestic partnership. This is why if you ever find your friendship with another dude picking up bromentum, put that sparkling wiggle on lock-down and add him to the list of bromigos! It's not fun -- or healthy for that matter -- being bronely. Sometimes you need that friend to get all Brahptimus Prime on your brahberry self, give you a good kick in the bronads and tell you to stop acting like a woman!
Pause. Ha. Brahberry doesn't really fit, but I really wanted to use it! Give me a break! Un-pause.
With all that being said, I am proud and fortunate enough to be able to count Sir Victor among my broheim. Not simply because I can rely on him to play wingman for me with the comfort of knowing that he'll do me justice and build me up to your local broho, but because I can also rely on him to brocheck me when I really need it. There are plenty of times that I act like an idiot. There are plenty of times I exaggerate certain situations in my own mind and require an unbiased perspective from those that can fairly provide it. There are four other guys who I trust to do this, but since we're in Vic's World, I'm going to talk about him for a minute.
There is a saying Vic and I frequently find ourselves repeating to each other: "I knew it, I just needed somebody to tell me." Most of the time it's those difficult concepts we have a hard time wrapping our heads around. The right thing to do, but not always the easiest. I value sound judgement. More than that, I value the fact that there exist people around me who can actually give it to me. I've been thinking about friends lately and recently it seems that I came to a revelation.
Pause. Spoiler alert: Danilo is about to get all sentimental on your brahberry self. Continue at your own risk! Un-pause.
Dave is a mutual friend of both Vic and myself. Dave is also a member of the brethren. We have literally discussed every topic under the sun. After spending time with the both of them over the past couple weeks, I started thinking about the people closest to me. My friends. My family. Then I came to the realization that I take them all for granted. Holy crap do I take them all for granted! It's funny how you don't appreciate certain things until they're gone (or about to be in my case). Especially now that we're older and the people who care about us most want to know that we actually care about them back.
Having said all of that, I charge you to grab your phone right now and call or text somebody that you love. Tell them exactly that - that you love them. Let them know that you appreciate them. Maybe there is somebody on your mind that you don't want to say "I love you" to, but instead want to let them know that you're thinking about them. If it's somebody you care about, send them a pleasant surprise. Seriously, text them right now. Your phone is probably right by your side and it will take you all of ten seconds to do it. I did it and chose to send it to my dad (I sent one to my mom last week so she's good, haha!).
If there is somebody (or a set of somebodies) that I would say I care most about in this world, it would definitely be my parents. Who is it for you?
Yes. I still call my parents mommy and daddy. Old habits die hard. Thanks mom and dad! Gosh!
Okay I'm out.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Letters of Love
Hey World,
The best part about having friends, is getting to share your life with them. When you open up your world to the people around you, you open yourself up to their world as well. New experiences get shared, new alliances are formed, and new adventures are had. Lately I've had the opportunity to open up my world with a few good friends of mine. In turn they will be opening up themselves here on the blog. I want you to hear from and see the type of people I choose to spend my time with, which I hope will help you to see a different side of me.
You will soon be seeing post from a couple friends of mine (some you have seen already). They all know how much I love this World we have here and they all would love to share it with us. I know this sounds real PBS right now but I'm for realzies, there's nothing like surrounding yourself with good peoples, and I feel like I've done that. I'm exited for you to meet some of them and come to love them as much as I do. I know that they will love you as well...just trust me...read their "love letters" to you, the world, and you will understand.
Seriously though, surround yourself with haters and punks and you WILL become one. Good friends are not hard to come by, you just have to know where to look.
Love ya world,
The best part about having friends, is getting to share your life with them. When you open up your world to the people around you, you open yourself up to their world as well. New experiences get shared, new alliances are formed, and new adventures are had. Lately I've had the opportunity to open up my world with a few good friends of mine. In turn they will be opening up themselves here on the blog. I want you to hear from and see the type of people I choose to spend my time with, which I hope will help you to see a different side of me.
You will soon be seeing post from a couple friends of mine (some you have seen already). They all know how much I love this World we have here and they all would love to share it with us. I know this sounds real PBS right now but I'm for realzies, there's nothing like surrounding yourself with good peoples, and I feel like I've done that. I'm exited for you to meet some of them and come to love them as much as I do. I know that they will love you as well...just trust me...read their "love letters" to you, the world, and you will understand.
Seriously though, surround yourself with haters and punks and you WILL become one. Good friends are not hard to come by, you just have to know where to look.
Love ya world,
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