Hey Vic’s world! Tin Tin to the rescue! BOOM! I’m taken over for a second. He gave me an inch, and like the devil, I’ll take the whole nine yards. Cue cynical laughter wahahahaha…
Actually, I think Vic’s been waiting for this and I’ve been putting it off because, one, I lack blogger’s confidence, and two, I felt like I didn’t have anything useful to share…Until now! It’s more in reference to his last blog. Since he’s addressing the pending topic of the month- Valentine’s Day, I think I’ll retaliate just to press some buttons. Ready? Cracks knuckles Here we go!
Ladies, we are only one of two things when it comes to Valentine’s Day:
1) LOVE IT!! (Like Cold Stone 48 oz. “Love It” size ice cream cups.)
2) LOATHES it. (like the way you love the pimple on your face screaming “squeeze me.”)
Whether you are a lover or a loather of the day, don’t be a pessimist and rain on everyone else’s parade. Shoot, better yet, join them! The worse thing that could happen is that you get a sympathy vote and a free drink or meal. Shrug who knows! You gotta take a chance.
Now, if you’re ready to get your V-day on, Ladies (and possibly men), here are a few pointers for YOU to consider:
#1: DRESS UP. I don’t care if you’re having dinner at home or going out, make the best of the occasion and be a show stopper for your boo or your bff’s! Make some memories and make them pretty! Try to remember the day as “the day we broke necks.” If someone is taking the time to make you his or hers, at least give him or her the respect to have pride in you for a day. Then, you can go back to your sweat pants and uggs, aight?
#2: VALUE EVERYTHING. We are told by society to “appreciate the small the things…” but on this day, the day a man consciously lowers his pride to please you, the least you can do is blush and outwardly show that you’ve been blown away.
#3: RECIPROCATE. Love is a two way street. Ladies, you might be pretty, and he might be paying for everything (even emotionally) but give back please. For the sake of all women, don’t be a greedy b*tch and expect everything and give nothing in return. I’m not referring to putting out (but hey, if that’s your thing, to each his own), I’m talking about matching his efforts; tick for tack. This isn’t your wedding day ladies, it’s Valentine’s so try to be just as creative as your he or she is. Give him or her a framed picture of you two, allow them to dance with you, shoot! Say thank you ,damn it! Lol! It’s really not rocket science, but for the sake of those who somehow mesh the two; here you go. A few ideas I could give away are:
• Create a “reasons why I love/like you” book.
• Mixed tape , err….CD/playlist? (I can’t keep up with technology).
• Cologne. If you’re too scared to tell him what scents you like, get it for him. Don’t make it hard for him to find out what YOU like on him. Seriously, ‘nough with the mind games.
Lastly and most importantly.
• Your time. Your undivided attention is always a win. Guaranteed.
Just listen to ATL and “make it up with love…”
Whatever you choose to do, have a AMAZING Valentine’s Day!! You only get one day at a time; make the most of it.
I hope that was insightful. Now go and enjoy yourselves!
I’m done.
Thanks for your time, World! Till next time…
Tin Tin
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