Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Who is it for You?

Friends. We all have them. Some we value more than others. Often we give the aforementioned individuals extra slices of access to our personal lives. In fact, we typically recognize these people as our "best friends." When you're a man there is an even more exclusive type of companionship you can award to a select few.

What I speak of is brohood.

It's difficult to describe what exactly makes one eligible to be an adequate brombre. I would go as far as to say that essentially anybody possesses the ability to be your good friend; however, there are only so many that spawn from the ancient descent and brahwesome lineage of the Bromo Erectus. Not everybody is capable of engaging in a bromantic relationship. It takes a brofessional. Some dudes are just not cut out for the job. They can't handle having a brodak moment let alone committing to a bromestic partnership. This is why if you ever find your friendship with another dude picking up bromentum, put that sparkling wiggle on lock-down and add him to the list of bromigos! It's not fun -- or healthy for that matter -- being bronely. Sometimes you need that friend to get all Brahptimus Prime on your brahberry self, give you a good kick in the bronads and tell you to stop acting like a woman!

Pause. Ha. Brahberry doesn't really fit, but I really wanted to use it! Give me a break! Un-pause.

With all that being said, I am proud and fortunate enough to be able to count Sir Victor among my broheim. Not simply because I can rely on him to play wingman for me with the comfort of knowing that he'll do me justice and build me up to your local broho, but because I can also rely on him to brocheck me when I really need it. There are plenty of times that I act like an idiot. There are plenty of times I exaggerate certain situations in my own mind and require an  unbiased perspective from those that can fairly provide it. There are four other guys who I trust to do this, but since we're in Vic's World, I'm going to talk about him for a minute.

 There is a saying Vic and I frequently find ourselves repeating to each other: "I knew it, I just needed somebody to tell me." Most of the time it's those difficult concepts we have a hard time wrapping our heads around. The right thing to do, but not always the easiest. I value sound judgement. More than that, I value the fact that there exist people around me who can actually give it to me. I've been thinking about friends lately and recently it seems that I came to a revelation.

Pause. Spoiler alert: Danilo is about to get all sentimental on your brahberry self. Continue at your own risk! Un-pause.

Dave is a mutual friend of both Vic and myself. Dave is also a member of the brethren. We have literally discussed every topic under the sun. After spending time with the both of them over the past couple weeks, I started thinking about the people closest to me. My friends. My family. Then I came to the realization that I take them all for granted. Holy crap do I take them all for granted! It's funny how you don't appreciate certain things until they're gone (or about to be in my case). Especially now that we're older and the people who care about us most want to know that we actually care about them back.

Having said all of that, I charge you to grab your phone right now and call or text somebody that you love. Tell them exactly that - that you love them. Let them know that you appreciate them. Maybe there is somebody on your mind that you don't want to say "I love you" to, but instead want to let them know that you're thinking about them. If it's somebody you care about, send them a pleasant surprise. Seriously, text them right now. Your phone is probably right by your side and it will take you all of ten seconds to do it. I did it and chose to send it to my dad (I sent one to my mom last week so she's good, haha!).

If there is somebody (or a set of somebodies) that I would say I care most about in this world, it would definitely be my parents. Who is it for you?

Yes. I still call my parents mommy and daddy. Old habits die hard. Thanks mom and dad! Gosh!

Okay I'm out.


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