Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Pop Tarts or Pancakes

Hello world,....So question?..Better yet, situation...You wake up early in the morning, you've got time to kill so you continue to lay in bed. Finally you get up, jump in a quick shower, get dressed and head to the kitchen. You still have a little bit of time left to kill. However, because of the lazy start, your in "rush mode." Now you have two choices. You can pop a pop tart in the toaster(or eat it "raw" like I like doing), or you can make yourself some pancakes. Which do you choose?
Its the classic right vs right now. This situation can be applied to all different types of life. Money, jobs, housing, and relationships can all be considered pop tarts or pancakes.We always have a choice to make, and depending on the choice we all have consequences we must face. Taking the pop tart boyfriend/girlfriend will and almost always does lead to problems. Whereas, the pancakes take time to prepare and cook. If done right they taste better and are more filling then pop tarts. The thing with pop tarts is, that's it, a pop tart is all you eat. Why? Because its quick and easy. With pancakes its a different story. Only weird people and crazies eat pancakes by themselves; without eggs, bacon, sausages, maybe hash browns, or grits (for my southern readers).
See, taking time to develop a situation, usually leads to more development and benefits that you never expected. I completely understand this because, I am currently in one of these situations, and its hard to choose sometimes...BUT....I know that a well balanced diet is more beneficial to my success and growth as an individual.
I hope you guys can keep up with the jumps in and out of the metaphor. Its a simple thought made simpler (more complicated for some). I hope it helps.

                                                                                          Much Love World

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