Monday, August 27, 2012

The Weaker Sex

Hello World,

      Today, I want to talk to the men of the world about the women of the world. I want to talk to you specifically about the strength of women.

     No matter where you grow up or what your background is, as a male you grow up hearing that women are the weaker sex. What makes them the weaker sex? If you were to ask a group of men, boys, teenagers, just males period, what makes women the weaker sex, hands would shoot up all over the room and the first answer would be, physicality.Some guys think that women are physically weaker then men...... Idk about that one. I know girls that can bench press me benchpressing 200 pounds, so that answer seems a little fallible to me.

 Another answer they could give would be emotions.  They would say women are too emotional and emotions make them weak.(the hypothetical group thinks they've hit it on the head with this one and there is no way they could be proven wrong.) So, since that is the concensus of the group lets explore that.
      Ok so your dating a girl, you don't think she's gonna be long term, but she'll do right now. You don't treat her bad. In fact your a great guy to her and you treat her very well. In time you find some problems and things start to get annoying and you decide to leave. That is the end of your relationship. However, this situation isn't over. Looking down the road, you may be fine and she may seem fine, but let me assure you that damage was done. Because, the next guy that comes along could be a great guy, he could be the best thing that ever happened to her (at the time), but you know that diner where you used to take her? HE takes her there and all the memories of you start flooding back. Uhoh, now we have a problem, emotions are swelling and she starts to cry. He doesnt understand why this keeps happening and he gets tired of  it and does exactly what you did, he decides to leave. Now we have a real problem, now she's labeled as broken and tragic. She compiles more and more hurt onto her plate, maybe she has some daddy issues to go on top of you and the other guy issues. Maybe she has been physically or mentally abused and hasn't sought help for it, because she doesnt think she's worth it. WOAH, now she's crazy and every relationship she is in is a bad one. She settles for far less than she deserves, and is taken advantage of by everyone. (this is the part where the class gets quiet, and I ask the question, Is this what makes her the weaker vessel? Have her emotions crippled her and made her weak? At once I get a Unanimous yes.) WRONG! Guess what guy? Yeah you first guy. This is your fault. Her emotions havent made her weak. You have made her weak. Her scars arent because she's too fragile to handle loss. Its because you started a chain of hurt, and even though you were able to shake it off, she has been carrying it. The next guy came and left, leaving her with more to carry. The guy after that came and stockpiled more, daddy issues- more, abandonment issues- more. Do you see the cycle. She has been carrying it all. It's easier to be strong when your not carrying loads of baggage. You can run faster when your not weighted down. Does that make you stronger? No, it doesn't.
    See class, we as men need to be careful how we treat the women in our lives. We never know what damage we could do as a result of carelessness. We may think we are doing the right thing, even by her, but we are doing more than even we know. Thinking we can hook up with this girl and that one, or play with emotions just because we are good at it, and no reprocussions will accrue, is wrong. Because everytime we "take another one off the lot" she depreciates in value, maybe not to others but to herself. For guys coming into a relationship with a girl like this, you have a journey ahead of you. However, if you are determined and can sift through the baggage you may find a stronger women than even she thinks.

Class dismissed.


  1. I disagree with this. I think using hypothetical Guy number 1 as an excuse for all this girls problems is unfair. Letting guys walk over her and leave her is her problem, she needs to grow up. We all fall down, we all get scrapes, but they heal and we move on.

    The problem is when girls victimize themselves and keep letting people treat them like that. They are preventing old wounds from healing properly.

    I understand the point you are trying to make, but for once I'm taking the guys side on this one.

  2. I agree with you to the point where, the resulting hurt that she experiences isn't his fault. She is responsible for her own actions and recovery. However ,I believe his fault lies in his weakening her, giving her more baggage to carry. The male mindset is that women are the weaker vessel, we fail to take account for how we weaken them. We often do things without thinking of how it affects them. Even if in the beginning we are trying to do the right thing by them. Every good decision we make could be another scar if we dont think before we act.
