Right now your mind must be racing with questions. Why? you might ask. Isn't that kind of feminine? Are you gay? What kind of guy watches those kinds of shows?...My answer to these questions and many more is this. No I am not gay,(in fact I'm very strait) and while these shows do have a feminine appeal to them I can still enjoy them on a regular basis. Why? because I'm so secure with my sexuality and persona that I can enjoy a "chick flick", or take a walk on the beach by myself, I can enjoy the "finer things" in life and still be a man's man. Come see me on the soccer field, I'll run circles around you. You wanna play football? I'm down. I just simply don't believe that a man is personified by what he watches or the things he does. To me, a person who says that they can't watch these types of shows is insecure. I understand if you simply don't like them, but to say they aren't manly enough for you shows insecurity and weakness. A true man isn't defined by what others think of him, but by what he knows in himself to be true..(you can quote me on that lol)
In my opinion insecurity is the leading killer in manliness today. I'll admit, I have insecurities that I try to overcome daily, but learning to put aside those insecurities is what makes you a man. Finding the courage in yourself to do what you want to do, no matter what people think...that's manly.
I would rather be a secure man watching Gossip Girl not caring what others think of that choice, than an insecure guy who hides who he really is in order to put on a false aura of "manliness." My challenge to you world is to find those insecurities in your life and beat them. Defeat your insecurities and become a better you, better yet, become the real you!
Gnite World
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