Monday, November 28, 2011
The Fatted Calf Lives!
hey world, so before we dive into this blog post i want to apologize for the lack of capitalization in this blog post. my computer died and im currently blogging from my cellular device because i love you guys that much and hate leaving you longing for more. i aim to satisfy like a snickers....anyway so yea consider this a long text message from your favorite ok ....sooo so much has happend to me after thanksgiving im gonna tell u all about it.....thanksgiving night i had to work. so like the good little slave that i am i go to sleep early and wake up n head to work all food hungover from the days fully understand what im about to tell you, you must understand where i work. i work in between a state reserve park and a pga tour golf course...litterally there is a parking lot separating me from the reserve and a street separating me from the golf course....i said all that to say this...there are animals everywhere...if it was in bambi it is here his dad, his mom, her college girlfriends, her ex boyfriend...their illegit kids, rabits, oppossums, skunks, owls, my coworker calls them to my face with a smile on his that im about to slap off..cyotes..bobcats and friggin mountain lions...yes i said mountain lions...and this is where my story part of my job is to walk to a greenhouse that is nestled along the edge of this state park ...i often see animals and have had a few run ins with the scarier ones..a bobcat who shall remain nameless and a pretty big buck. but this night i run into...yup you guessed it the friggin mountain im already feeling like the fatted calf cuz im all food hung over and my stomach looks like ricky lake in the ninetys, so imagine my suprise when i first hear something big in the woods...then as i meander my way through the fenced in greenhouse structure i look to my left and see paws and a head looking over the six foot fence..i kid you not it was god...i hate that i cant capitalize that..who saved me because it was then that my phone rang , and scared the beast n he went running through the woods..i was afrightened to say the least knowing that i had to walk back from whence i came without the fenced in greenhouse structure to protect me..i submit to you, i was never more ninja in my life than i was that night..i snuck back to my building as if i was crossing enemy lines it was the most thrilling thing to do with a heavy i havent been that scared in a while...but like the trooper i am, i am back here tonight braving the elements and bringing you blogging greatness...if i never blog to you again world know that i love off to face the beast, only this time my stomach isnt full but it still has residual fat...i know im working on it...gnite world text ya soon.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Oh the Thangs You Can Thank
Helloooooo World,
I hope you guys enjoyed the guest post from my hero Danilo. I am an avid subscriber of his friendliness campaign, and I hope that you will be too....ok Im kind of distracted right now because I'm watching the Chelsea soccer game and the other team whose name I cant pronounce just scored and now its two to one. Oh well. Anyway, Guys, Its thanksgiving tomorrow!!! The day where the country gives thanks for everything that happened the year before and that is currently happening. Good food poors out of kitchens and Great football is played. However, I want to take time to make a list of some "thankable" people/things that we often forget to thank (some funny some very serious).
#1 I thank President Obama for doing the job none of us are qualified to do
#2 I thank the parents of the military men and women who sacrifice their children to make sure that me and my family are safe
#3 I thank the turkey that I'm about to DESTROY
#4 I thank my parents for putting up with me all these years
#5 I thank all my followers and friends on twitter, facebook, and you tube
#6 I thank PCC for giving me the what to do's and what not to do's of adulthood
#7 I thank my close friends for always having my back
#8 I thank the apples that hooked up with the pie Ill eat tomorrow
#9 I thank Vizio for making my 42inch tv
#10 Last but certainly not least I thank God for giving me a good year, up and downs, ins and outs, and's if's and but's
In life sometimes you have to be a bit well..stupid. Hence the reason for some of these things. People who are too serious live with more stress and bigger problems...FACT. Have a good fun holiday season especially this thanksgiving holiday. Remember to have fun with your family and friends, and remain thankful for even the little things.
Goodbye World!!!
I hope you guys enjoyed the guest post from my hero Danilo. I am an avid subscriber of his friendliness campaign, and I hope that you will be too....ok Im kind of distracted right now because I'm watching the Chelsea soccer game and the other team whose name I cant pronounce just scored and now its two to one. Oh well. Anyway, Guys, Its thanksgiving tomorrow!!! The day where the country gives thanks for everything that happened the year before and that is currently happening. Good food poors out of kitchens and Great football is played. However, I want to take time to make a list of some "thankable" people/things that we often forget to thank (some funny some very serious).
#1 I thank President Obama for doing the job none of us are qualified to do
#2 I thank the parents of the military men and women who sacrifice their children to make sure that me and my family are safe
#3 I thank the turkey that I'm about to DESTROY
#4 I thank my parents for putting up with me all these years
#5 I thank all my followers and friends on twitter, facebook, and you tube
#6 I thank PCC for giving me the what to do's and what not to do's of adulthood
#7 I thank my close friends for always having my back
#8 I thank the apples that hooked up with the pie Ill eat tomorrow
#9 I thank Vizio for making my 42inch tv
#10 Last but certainly not least I thank God for giving me a good year, up and downs, ins and outs, and's if's and but's
In life sometimes you have to be a bit well..stupid. Hence the reason for some of these things. People who are too serious live with more stress and bigger problems...FACT. Have a good fun holiday season especially this thanksgiving holiday. Remember to have fun with your family and friends, and remain thankful for even the little things.
Goodbye World!!!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
I Just Came to Say Hello
Yeah I think you're cute but really you should know.. i just came to say hello.
If you're not familiar with the lyrics of this song then turn your radio on and punch yourself in the face. Congratulations, you're officially a hermit. While i'm sure you're now just realizing how out sync you are with world, let me provide solace. I've talked with my friends at youtube and they're letting me put up a video containing music for your ears and lyrics for your eyes so that you can get back on my level and be a little less monkish for the day. Check it out at the end of this post.
Now if you couldn't tell already, this is not the illustrious Victor Marshall. He was kind enough to text me this morning and extend an offer to feature me on his site. I, Danilo, accepted his offer and am now in hopes that i can make an impact on his faithful readers while staying true to the purpose of this blog. This is why i decided to discuss this topic. It's one that i know Vic can appreciate and one that i wish others would consider more.
Just get out and say, "Hello."
The reason i started with the lyrics for the song "Hello" is because it partially relates to what i'm trying to convey. Vic knows my philosophy on being of a friendly nature. Step out of your comfort zone and meet somebody new today. Smiles and love are to be shared, not hoarded. You never know whose day you can make just by saying hello to them as they're passing by. Maybe somebody is just having a blow hard day and it's not getting better with this long line at the DMV. Perhaps you can make their life just a little less sucky by complimenting their shoes and starting up a happy-go-lucky conversation about how the DMV was created specifically to make a car owner's life a living Tarturus. People want to smile. Why not help them do it?
Now while i urge everybody to do this, there is always one of those things that just kills the buzz. That person who thinks you're trying to get at them.
No, i'm not trying to woo you, dear. I just didn't feel like having a boring 15 minute wait since H&M only has one cashier on staff this morning. It's the people that think you're trying to hop in their bed that especially irritate me. They have that snobby umm what are you doing attitude and act as if they're the hottest thing in the world. You're not even that attractive, sorry.
So what am i trying to say? Two things.
First, say hello to somebody today. If you think you can start a conversation from there, do it. Be it the Mexican serving you at Panda Express, the cashier at Walmart, or even somebody you haven't spoken to in a long time. Call them up and say, "I just called to say hello...and that i want my jacket back you douche." Provided you don't run into that hellophobe who thinks they're the coolest kid on the block, i guarantee you'll receive just as much satisfaction out of it as they will.
Second, don't be that person who treats somebody trying to be nice like a nobody. Indulge they're forward behavior and reciprocate it. Even if they are trying to hit on you, play along with it and then respectfully decline their efforts. It makes for a good time and you walk away with a memory that will make you laugh randomly throughout your day.
That's all i have for you people. Fried chicken tastes good.
If you're not familiar with the lyrics of this song then turn your radio on and punch yourself in the face. Congratulations, you're officially a hermit. While i'm sure you're now just realizing how out sync you are with world, let me provide solace. I've talked with my friends at youtube and they're letting me put up a video containing music for your ears and lyrics for your eyes so that you can get back on my level and be a little less monkish for the day. Check it out at the end of this post.
Now if you couldn't tell already, this is not the illustrious Victor Marshall. He was kind enough to text me this morning and extend an offer to feature me on his site. I, Danilo, accepted his offer and am now in hopes that i can make an impact on his faithful readers while staying true to the purpose of this blog. This is why i decided to discuss this topic. It's one that i know Vic can appreciate and one that i wish others would consider more.
Just get out and say, "Hello."

Now while i urge everybody to do this, there is always one of those things that just kills the buzz. That person who thinks you're trying to get at them.
No, i'm not trying to woo you, dear. I just didn't feel like having a boring 15 minute wait since H&M only has one cashier on staff this morning. It's the people that think you're trying to hop in their bed that especially irritate me. They have that snobby umm what are you doing attitude and act as if they're the hottest thing in the world. You're not even that attractive, sorry.
So what am i trying to say? Two things.
First, say hello to somebody today. If you think you can start a conversation from there, do it. Be it the Mexican serving you at Panda Express, the cashier at Walmart, or even somebody you haven't spoken to in a long time. Call them up and say, "I just called to say hello...and that i want my jacket back you douche." Provided you don't run into that hellophobe who thinks they're the coolest kid on the block, i guarantee you'll receive just as much satisfaction out of it as they will.
Second, don't be that person who treats somebody trying to be nice like a nobody. Indulge they're forward behavior and reciprocate it. Even if they are trying to hit on you, play along with it and then respectfully decline their efforts. It makes for a good time and you walk away with a memory that will make you laugh randomly throughout your day.
That's all i have for you people. Fried chicken tastes good.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Im Sexy and I Know It
Hello world!! Lets chat it up!
The hardest critic I have is myself. I can be so hard on myself sometimes it gets ridiculous. Every compliment gets replied negativity. It's almost a natural reaction. Someone says "great outfit" I say "thanks I wish I had better shoes", or " I love your voice" "eh I was off a little bit"..Am I the only one who does this?? I THINK NOT. Why do we do this world? Why do we continue to berate ourselves? (yea I just used that word) One word, and its a big word, its a huge word, its a Monstrous word, but it doesn't have to be. That word is insecurity. As small as my font just was, is exactly how small our insecurities need to be. OK, OK I get it. Easier said than done Vic. This is where your wrong, and I'm going to show you the 3 ways that I use to overcome insecurity and feel sexy.
#1. Confidence : Be confident in yourself. Dress confident. Walk confident. I'm not saying be cocky, but show yourself your worth something and others will follow. Don't be afraid to let yourself excel, Shine!
#2. Treat yourself : Take time to do things for yourself...splurge, if you will. Sometimes we don't feel sexy because we don't show ourselves that we are. Buy something nice for yourself. Take yourself out to dinner and a movie. Never be afraid to be seen alone. Solitude does not mean lonely!!!!!!!!! It means that at this point in time your comfortable enough with yourself to be with yourself. Your such a good time you don't need anyone else.
#3. Take care of your body : You only have one body, take care of it! I FIRMLY believe that every one of every body type and color can feel sexy and secure. Do what is best for YOUR body. Don't look at Hollywood or society and determine what sexy is, look at yourself. Find a sexy you and a secure you will follow. Be the best you can be for you and don't worry about the rest. NEVER change yourself for a relationship, because that's when you lose security, you may look sexy but you wont feel it.
The most important thing to do is SMILE! A good smile makes everyone around you look better lol. so smile a lot. Use these tips and let the world know that your confident, secure, and sexy and you know it!!
Love ya world, Vic
The hardest critic I have is myself. I can be so hard on myself sometimes it gets ridiculous. Every compliment gets replied negativity. It's almost a natural reaction. Someone says "great outfit" I say "thanks I wish I had better shoes", or " I love your voice" "eh I was off a little bit"..Am I the only one who does this?? I THINK NOT. Why do we do this world? Why do we continue to berate ourselves? (yea I just used that word) One word, and its a big word, its a huge word, its a Monstrous word, but it doesn't have to be. That word is insecurity. As small as my font just was, is exactly how small our insecurities need to be. OK, OK I get it. Easier said than done Vic. This is where your wrong, and I'm going to show you the 3 ways that I use to overcome insecurity and feel sexy.
#1. Confidence : Be confident in yourself. Dress confident. Walk confident. I'm not saying be cocky, but show yourself your worth something and others will follow. Don't be afraid to let yourself excel, Shine!
#2. Treat yourself : Take time to do things for yourself...splurge, if you will. Sometimes we don't feel sexy because we don't show ourselves that we are. Buy something nice for yourself. Take yourself out to dinner and a movie. Never be afraid to be seen alone. Solitude does not mean lonely!!!!!!!!! It means that at this point in time your comfortable enough with yourself to be with yourself. Your such a good time you don't need anyone else.
#3. Take care of your body : You only have one body, take care of it! I FIRMLY believe that every one of every body type and color can feel sexy and secure. Do what is best for YOUR body. Don't look at Hollywood or society and determine what sexy is, look at yourself. Find a sexy you and a secure you will follow. Be the best you can be for you and don't worry about the rest. NEVER change yourself for a relationship, because that's when you lose security, you may look sexy but you wont feel it.
The most important thing to do is SMILE! A good smile makes everyone around you look better lol. so smile a lot. Use these tips and let the world know that your confident, secure, and sexy and you know it!!
Love ya world, Vic
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Man vs Gossip with two broke girls
Hello world. Today we are talking about tv shows, and what constitutes a "manly" show or not. First of all, I openly admit I watch shows like
Right now your mind must be racing with questions. Why? you might ask. Isn't that kind of feminine? Are you gay? What kind of guy watches those kinds of shows?...My answer to these questions and many more is this. No I am not gay,(in fact I'm very strait) and while these shows do have a feminine appeal to them I can still enjoy them on a regular basis. Why? because I'm so secure with my sexuality and persona that I can enjoy a "chick flick", or take a walk on the beach by myself, I can enjoy the "finer things" in life and still be a man's man. Come see me on the soccer field, I'll run circles around you. You wanna play football? I'm down. I just simply don't believe that a man is personified by what he watches or the things he does. To me, a person who says that they can't watch these types of shows is insecure. I understand if you simply don't like them, but to say they aren't manly enough for you shows insecurity and weakness. A true man isn't defined by what others think of him, but by what he knows in himself to be true..(you can quote me on that lol)
In my opinion insecurity is the leading killer in manliness today. I'll admit, I have insecurities that I try to overcome daily, but learning to put aside those insecurities is what makes you a man. Finding the courage in yourself to do what you want to do, no matter what people think...that's manly.
I would rather be a secure man watching Gossip Girl not caring what others think of that choice, than an insecure guy who hides who he really is in order to put on a false aura of "manliness." My challenge to you world is to find those insecurities in your life and beat them. Defeat your insecurities and become a better you, better yet, become the real you!
Gnite World
Right now your mind must be racing with questions. Why? you might ask. Isn't that kind of feminine? Are you gay? What kind of guy watches those kinds of shows?...My answer to these questions and many more is this. No I am not gay,(in fact I'm very strait) and while these shows do have a feminine appeal to them I can still enjoy them on a regular basis. Why? because I'm so secure with my sexuality and persona that I can enjoy a "chick flick", or take a walk on the beach by myself, I can enjoy the "finer things" in life and still be a man's man. Come see me on the soccer field, I'll run circles around you. You wanna play football? I'm down. I just simply don't believe that a man is personified by what he watches or the things he does. To me, a person who says that they can't watch these types of shows is insecure. I understand if you simply don't like them, but to say they aren't manly enough for you shows insecurity and weakness. A true man isn't defined by what others think of him, but by what he knows in himself to be true..(you can quote me on that lol)
In my opinion insecurity is the leading killer in manliness today. I'll admit, I have insecurities that I try to overcome daily, but learning to put aside those insecurities is what makes you a man. Finding the courage in yourself to do what you want to do, no matter what people think...that's manly.
I would rather be a secure man watching Gossip Girl not caring what others think of that choice, than an insecure guy who hides who he really is in order to put on a false aura of "manliness." My challenge to you world is to find those insecurities in your life and beat them. Defeat your insecurities and become a better you, better yet, become the real you!
Gnite World
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