If you're not familiar with the lyrics of this song then turn your radio on and punch yourself in the face. Congratulations, you're officially a hermit. While i'm sure you're now just realizing how out sync you are with world, let me provide solace. I've talked with my friends at youtube and they're letting me put up a video containing music for your ears and lyrics for your eyes so that you can get back on my level and be a little less monkish for the day. Check it out at the end of this post.
Now if you couldn't tell already, this is not the illustrious Victor Marshall. He was kind enough to text me this morning and extend an offer to feature me on his site. I, Danilo, accepted his offer and am now in hopes that i can make an impact on his faithful readers while staying true to the purpose of this blog. This is why i decided to discuss this topic. It's one that i know Vic can appreciate and one that i wish others would consider more.
Just get out and say, "Hello."

Now while i urge everybody to do this, there is always one of those things that just kills the buzz. That person who thinks you're trying to get at them.
No, i'm not trying to woo you, dear. I just didn't feel like having a boring 15 minute wait since H&M only has one cashier on staff this morning. It's the people that think you're trying to hop in their bed that especially irritate me. They have that snobby umm what are you doing attitude and act as if they're the hottest thing in the world. You're not even that attractive, sorry.
So what am i trying to say? Two things.
First, say hello to somebody today. If you think you can start a conversation from there, do it. Be it the Mexican serving you at Panda Express, the cashier at Walmart, or even somebody you haven't spoken to in a long time. Call them up and say, "I just called to say hello...and that i want my jacket back you douche." Provided you don't run into that hellophobe who thinks they're the coolest kid on the block, i guarantee you'll receive just as much satisfaction out of it as they will.
Second, don't be that person who treats somebody trying to be nice like a nobody. Indulge they're forward behavior and reciprocate it. Even if they are trying to hit on you, play along with it and then respectfully decline their efforts. It makes for a good time and you walk away with a memory that will make you laugh randomly throughout your day.
That's all i have for you people. Fried chicken tastes good.
I'm Vic Marshall and I approve this post. Special thanks to my good friend and hero Danilo for helping us all realize the importance of a friendly hello, and the danger of presuming on kindness.
ReplyDelete:) Finally someone who understands Friendliness!