There are times when everyone feels alone. There are times when you think nobody understands you, and no one cares. I've been there. We have all been there. The funny thing is, in most situations, we are surrounded by people who care about us and love us. We just can't see it. It's a temporary blindness brought on by emotional stress, crisis situations, or maybe you just WANT to feel down. (Believe me, It happens sometimes.) Either way, EITHER WAY, in these moments we have to pause, we have to calm down, we have to look around and see all that we have, and open our eyes to the love that is waiting for us. It is here when we will see that we've been pushing our friends and loved ones away out of anger and or pity for our own selves. We neglect friendships and burn bridges in our minds that are made of steel in reality. This mentality has to stop. We have to stop and take time to rebuild those relationships or we wont have anything to rebuild later. Only because we've pushed everyone else so far, that it almost takes force to bring them back again.
We grow older and lose friendships, but I want to take time today to recognize some of the people that have made my life bearable lately.
first my family, that goes without saying
My brothers (left to right) Houston and Eddie. whenever I need someone to talk to
or set me straight, put me in my place, encourage me, or somebody to cry to, I call them.
My dude Danny, Sometimes people go through things that bring them closer together
well, we've been through most of it, and are still strong
My guys, my link to everything ( L2R: Nick, Me, Dan, Jon, and Dave)
Couldn't survive without these guys in my corner
Titus Golden, My shrink, my friend, my conscience, the angel and devil on my shoulder.
Your neighborhood friendly Darryl Gittens, funniest guy I know
with a heart of gold covered chocolate, hit him up ladies on twitter @EightBars
My bro, Kuresa. One of those people you go without, but can't do without.(makes sense think about it)
and yes, he is a ninja.
Now enough of the guys its time for the ladies.
These girls I don't see at all, but I know they pray for me and hold me down on a level that
I may never understand. (Ana and Una)
This chick, Lisa is always down for fun, and always down to study. Shes always got the
educational scoop on what's going down at school. She made clinicals fun for me and
she is a good friend (and yes I am a ninja too)
My mistress Gabby, Love her to death and I just met her. She's Awesome in every sense of the word.
Ancilla doesn't even know me, we never met. We just so happen to follow each other on twitter
but, there have been times when I've seen her tweets at the roughest time of the day and she's made me laugh or smile or just be happy and thankful. Its people like this that do things for you and they will never know.
This is the perfect picture to describe Sarah Pearl. She's a nut but she's a good person and she loves her friends and family.
Steph is going to kill me for this picture but I don't care, She's one of those people who will come when you call no matter what. She is a very giving person, so sometimes I give her 5 min to talk about unicorns
Allison, If
I could have a daughter who was a year and a half older than me, then Alli would be it. She's so small but she's strong and smart, and packs a mean punch
I could have a daughter who was a year and a half older than me, then Alli would be it. She's so small but she's strong and smart, and packs a mean punch
Here she is, The love of my life Amanda. I could say too much about her so I" will purposely not say enough other than, Without her I would be a mess, and not a hot mess a straight mess.
Last but not least, the woman that made my woman possible. Shirley Tadiarca (Amanda's mom)
She is the first to be encouraging and help me when I need it. She is subtle and precise with me and I like that, she gets me and makes sure she includes me in her prayers.
There are so many others that have made life great for me this past year or so, but many of them are not on social networks and I don't have pics of, and I think I've stolen enough pics for the day, but i am no less thankful for them all . Take the time to think of those who love you and who you love. Hopefully the more you do, the less you will feel alone, and the happier you will be.
Love you world,