Wednesday, December 7, 2011

"What ARE You Thinking?"

I am almost always "people watching". If there was a club for P.W. (People Watching) I would join it. I also know that I am not alone in this imaginary club because everyone does it to some degree. As we watch these unsuspecting individuals we can get more involved in the thought process. Different things feed our interest in watching one person for more than a few seconds. Such as, who they're talking to, what they're doing, what they're saying, what they're wearing, who they're wearing, how they're wearing them....and the list can go on and on and on.

Without a doubt I've been on both ends of this scenario. Watching and BEING watched. You know what I'm talking about my dear friend. You've caught the watcher watching you. How do you let them know you know? Do you quickly look away like a frightened kitty cat? Or do you stare them in the eye and say through your never ending stare, "HEY, I caught you!" I can say that I've done both but depending on who the watcher is...that will determine the outcome of my response.

Let us recap an example of this situation:

When you first catch the person "watching" you, this is something similar to what they may look like..

You may react and be a little nervous....

Some people just get awkward and try to act like the eye contact did not happen...

OR, you can retaliate and stare right back in disbelief!!!

Either's important to make sure they know that you are in control of the situation...


Why am I posting about such nonsense. Because it is a part of our every day lives people! It's part of the world! And also because of the laughs. But on a serious note...When we're driving on the freeway and there's horrible traffic, why is that???!!! Because people are watching/looking at what the reason for the traffic is, which is ultimately because of other PEOPLE. Hey heeeeey.

Suffice to say, this type of watching is not stalkerish at all. So don't go around thinking to yourself that stalker = watcher. There's nothing wrong with sitting at a coffee shop and improving one's social awareness. It happens, work, Wal-Mart, the gas station, your car, church (boy does it happen at church), your room, I'm sure you get my drift.

We're all Watchers. People Watchers. Embrace it, because that's who we are.

Now know what to do.

Vic's Friend,
Sarah Pearl aka "Pearliology"

P.S. For all you smart snazzy people..."Checking" someone out is different than P.W. If you don't know the difference, you'll just have to wait for another post...some other day. Tootles.

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